Southern Connecticut Chinese School

SCCS 2016-2017 Announcements

SCCS Announcements in 2016-2017

[SCCS]6/16/17: 夏令营







[SCCS]6/16/17: Some choices for summer camp and program

Dear All,

Some of you asked whether there are other summer camps around. Here are two additional camps in Southern CT State University:

In addition, our art teacher, Bu Lei Tu can accept students for summer at her own studio in New Haven. Please contact her directly if you are interested in

Our school will have summer camp from August 7 to 18 at Southern CT State University. You can register in the following website:

If you are 14 years old and above, you can contact me if you want to be a volunteer in our summer camp.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]6/5/2017: Summer Camp and sharing pictures from Summer picnic



今年的南康中文学校夏令营的地点已经确定,学校夏令营将在8月7日到18日借南康大学Engleman Hall的教室举行,多位中文学校的老师将参与夏令营的教学, 除了采用专题的形式学习中文以外,孩子们还将有机会学习绘画、舞蹈、武术、编程, 详细安排我们会在以后和大家公布。名额有限,如果你还没有报名, 请尽快用下面的连接网上报名: (虽然可以只参加一个星期,但我们希望你的孩子能参加2个星期的夏令营,两个星期的内容是不重复的)。大家如果想了解过去夏令营的情况,可以参看学校校刊对此的报道:




[SCCS]6/5/2017: Summer Camp and sharing pictures from Summer picnic

Dear All SCCS members,

Many parents were asking whether we have decided the venue for the summer camp. Finally here it is: we will stay in Southern Connecticut State University for our summer camp from August 7 to 18. The registration for the summer camp can be found: We will have several teachers from SCCS to teach in the summer camp. Students will have chances to experience Chinese stories, play-write, Kung Fu, Dance, Programming and painting. Although you can register one week, we encourage you to register the full two week program. As reference, you can check our past summer camp in the following newsletter:

Thanks to Pinxia Li, Jingjing Wang, Yan Huang and Min Wu for sharing their photos from the summer picnic. You can find in the following link:

Should you have any question, feel free to contact me.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]5/20/2017:Talent show winners, General Member Council...



中文学校才艺比赛的结果请 参看附件 。感谢这次踊跃参赛的同学和他们的家长,也感谢为这次比赛付出很多时间的义工家长和老师。才艺表演照片链接可以从学校网站首页找到。






[SCCS]5/20/2017: Talent show winners, General Member Council...

Dear All SCCS members,

The talent show was a big success. Thanks to everyone who made this event successful. The winner list can be found in the attached pdf file. You can also find the link for the photos taken from the event from the school website homepage.

The newest newsletter can be found in the school website. Here is the link:

PTA will host an annual picnic party at Orange Town Center. Please refer to the e-mail sent by Ying Peng, the PTA president. We have more than 300 registered attendees. Hope we will have a relax, joyful afternoon tomorrow.

The students from 8, 9 and 10th grade, please contact Yingzi Wang, the vice principal, to get your award certificate tomorrow at the picnic site.

Thanks to all teachers, board directors, administration team members, PTA, and parents. We had a very successful school year. In the general member council on May 14, 2017, we reported to the GMM about the school finance status, the school status. We also gave awards to these who made significant contributions to our school such as: Mr. Xinjian Guo, IT Director; Ruby Yang, Teacher, Parent volunteers: Shundong Zhang, Yan Huang, Rong Wu and Min Wu; Student volunteers: Tina Hu, Mingqi Yu, Lauren Guo, Audrey Ruan, Emily Ruan. More parent volunteers can be found in our newsletter.

We experienced some good time and difficult time in the past school year. The school still faces the man-made difficulties. But we are confident that we will build your school even stronger and better with all supports from our teachers, administration team, board, and parents.

If you have any suggestion, please feel free to contact us.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]5/13/2017: 毕业典礼,会员大会,夏令营注册及校刊




  1. 明天学校在C112有三项活动,欢迎大家参加:
    • 12:30-1:45,学生才艺比赛第二场;
    • 2:00 - 3:00,毕业典礼,今年我们有十六位同学毕业,感谢所有培养他们的老师,同时也感谢家长和同学们的坚持。今年毕业的演讲嘉宾是纽约华人博物馆的姚南薰馆长,她的演讲一定不会让你失望。
    • 3:30 - 5:00 会员大会,请参见童戟理事长星期一的通知。参与学校的事务,是每个会员的权利和义务,我们希望更多的家长来了解学校的现状,一起为学校的未来献计献策。
  2. 学校印刷版的校刊,将在两个入口处发放,欢迎取阅。网络版将在明天下午上网。同时,学校还在准备一份网络版的校刊增刊,专门刊登学生的作品,欢迎家长和老师把孩子好的作品投送给
  3. 下周日(1:00-5:00pm, 21日),学校PTA将在Orange Town Center Green (525 Orange Center Road, Orange, CT 06477)举行野餐活动,欢迎会员参加。请登录学校网站登记参加人数。
  4. 学校夏令营的报名继续,如果你对学校夏令营的活动不太了解,可以上网阅读学校过去夏令营的报道:夏令营力求使孩子在轻松的环境下学到知识,今年的形式还是多种多样,比如跳舞、话剧、编程等等,但主题还在讨论之中,比如中国神话故事或成语故事,我们将在学期结束后陆续和大家公布夏令营的整体安排。地点目前基本上不是在Amity Middle School at Orange就是在南康大学,租借合约定下后也会及时通知大家。下面是报名链接:



[SCCS]5/13/2017: Graduation Ceremony, General Member Council, Summer Camp…

Dear All SCCS members,

It will be the last instruction day of the school year tomorrow and also the Mother's day. Wish all moms a happy Mother's day.
In addition, on behalf of the administration team, I want to express my gratitude to all Board members, PTA members, teachers, and all parents. Thank you for the support to our team in the past 9 months.

  1. We will have 3 events in C112 tomorrow afternoon. All are welcome.
    • 12:30 - 1:45: The 2nd part of Talent Show.
    • 2:00 - 3:00: Graduation ceremony. We will have 16 graduates this year. Congratulations to them! Also thanks to all teachers and parents to make this possible. Our guest speaker will be Ms. Nancy Yao Maasbach, the President of the Museum of Chinese Americans at NYC. Nancy used to serve as the executive director of Yale-China Association. You will regret if you miss out her speech.
    • 3:30 - 5:00: General member council. Please refer to Mr. Ji Tong's e-mail for the agenda. The school needs your input and involvement. To attend the school general member council is the right for every member. The future of the school depends on everyone's input and involvement.
  2. The printed version of the school newsletter will be handed out in the two entrances of the building tomorrow. You are welcome to take one. We will also put the web version in the school website tomorrow. We are in the process of publishing a supplementary newsletter which will solely publish students' work. You are welcome to submit students' work to
  3. The school summer camp is open for registration. If you have question about what the summer camp will be about, you can read the old newsletter which covered the summer camp before from here: For additional questions, feel free to contact me directly. The following is the link for online registration:
  4. The PTA will organize the annual picnic party at Orange town center green (525 Orange Center Road, Orange, CT 06477) from 1 to 5 pm on May 21. Please login to school website to register. We will have more time to listen to your concerns and suggestions.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]4/29/17: 夏令营网上报名开通 小店本学期最后一次开店


  1. 本学年还有三次上课时间,前几天发出了收集您对教学的反馈意见调查,请您抓紧时间完成,您的反馈将有助于教师教学水平和学校办学水平的提高。请您5月7日前匿名完成如下评估表。如果选了多门课程,请分别填写每一门课的反馈意见。谢谢合作!下面是评估表格网址:
  2. 爸爸朋友清主意了, 明天学校小店开门, 这是本学期最后一次。小店特意为即将到来的母亲节准备了target 和 Barnes & Nobles 的小额$5 gift cards,还有精美书签剪纸, 请您第一提醒孩子带points,第2鼓励孩子们用points 給妈妈带一个小礼物回家!!! 谢谢爸爸们!
  3. 学校将在秋季开学后举办认字比赛,这项比赛去年在春季举行,今年学校在讨论了去年比赛的优缺点以后决定,将这项活动移到秋季举行,鼓励孩子利用暑假复习本年级及以前需要掌握的生词(最后如有平局时,将挑低一年级的字词,而不会采用高一年级的字词),鼓励所有孩子参加,凡参加的都有小奖品。如果你需要在暑假中用学校的奖励点数鼓励孩子复习中文,可以到学校办公室购买奖劵,奖劵$15/100points,部分费用用于小店的物品购买,还有部分费用用于奖劵的印刷等费用。
  4. 今年是南康中文学校夏令营开办以来的第10个夏令营,今年的夏令营将在August 7-11, and August 14-18举办,地点可能在New Haven or Woodbridge,今年采用网上报名的方式,请登录下面的网址完成报名,具体的收费标准以及安排请仔细阅读下面survey的介绍部分。学校夏令营欢迎14岁以上的学生参与义工。义工网上报名会在以后通知。
  5. 学校PTA一年一度的野餐聚会将于5月21日在Orange Center举行,请参考PTA彭莹主席前几天的邮件,登录学校网站登记。
  6. 学校的同学来自40个市镇,平时所有的通讯基本上依赖于电子邮件和微信,如果你的电邮地址有变化,请及时登录学校网站更新,同时通知
  7. 学校5月7日和14日将举办学生才艺表演,目前报名已经截止,你会收到组委会的通知,任何问题请发邮件至sccs2017gala@gmail.com查询。
  8. 学校和旅美科协康州分会将在5月7日联合举办职业拓展专题,将有多位嘉宾演讲,请留意通知。
  9. 5月14日学校将举办10年级毕业典礼,本届是南康中文学校历史上最多毕业生的一届,学校欢迎高年级的同学及所有家长参加,我们请到了纽约华人博物馆的馆长Nancy Yao作为演讲嘉宾,Nancy过去做过CNN的制作人,参加过香港回归的报道,也曾担任雅理协会的执行总监,她的演讲一定不会让你失望。
  10. 学校准备出版一份学生作品校刊专辑,除了老师推荐的学生作品之外,家长也可以替孩子向校刊投稿,要求:文字部分为可编辑文本文件,图形不低于300DPI。请发送给
  11. 学校办公室处理部分库存中文书,包括《轻松学中文》(每册$5, Amazon上每册近$30,,《中文》初中版($2),《新启蒙汉语》第4级(每本$5,整套$10,原价$44)。存货有限,欲购从速。



[SCCS]4/29/17:Summer camp online registration open and school store will…

Dear All SCCS members,

  1. We will only have 3 sundays before the school year ends. Please finish the teacher's evaluation form online before May 7. Your feedback is important to us. The form can be found in the following link:
  2. The store will open tomorrow. This is the last session for this school year. We also prepare some gift cards for child to prepare the Mother's day gift. Please encourage your child to attend.
  3. The school wide spelling bee will be held after the new school year. This is the adjustment after reviewing the spelling bee last year. We encourage all students to review what they learned in summer break. Every participant will be awarded a small gift.
  4. Summer Camp will be from August 7 to 11 and from August 14 to 17. The online registration is open now. The detailed information is in the description section of the online registration form. The following is the online registration link:
  5. The annual picnic organized by PTA will be held on May 21 in Orange Center, Orange, CT. Please login to school website to register.
  6. Any change of your contact information, please login to school website to update. Please also send an e-mail to for your change so they can update the school mail list.
  7. The talent show will be on May 7 and 14. If you registered online and have any question, please contact
  8. SCCS and CAST-CT will organize a special meeting focusing on profession development on May 7. The more details will be followed in next announcement.
  9. On May 14, we will have graduation ceremony. This year, we have the largest class for 10th grade. Nancy Yao will be our guest speaker in the ceremony. Nancy is the president of Museum of Chinese American in NYC and used to be the executive director of Yale China Association. All students in upper levels and all parents are encouraged to attend our graduation ceremony.
  10. The school plans to publish a special edition on students' work. You are welcome to submit your child's work to Editable text and high resolution images are required.
  11. The school office have several books to sell. "Easy Steps to Chinese" ($5/book, comparing near $30 in Amazon Please stop by the office to purchase. We only have limited quantity.
See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School






南康小明星才艺表演/演讲比赛报名截止时间:4月23日。 请大家用下面的链接报名: E30Du7QKPakeJNsV2



[SCCS]4/22/17:PTA Fundraising Event

Dear all,

The originally announced lecture regarding child vision protection is rescheduled in due course. The lecture jointly organized with CAST-CT on April 30 will be rescheduled to May 7 due to the conflict of classroom.

The deadline for registration of "2016-2017 SCCS Rising Star Talent Show/Speech Contest" is April 23. Please use the link below to register: E30Du7QKPakeJNsV2

PTA will organize a fundraising event this Sunday. They will have cheongsam sale, and Chinese book sale.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]4/15/17: 复活节学校停课一次




[SCCS]4/15/17: No School this Easter Sunday

Dear all,

The school will be close this Easter Sunday. See you on April 23. Have a happy Easter weekend.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

SCCS]4/7/2017: 才艺表演注册及其他




  1. 下周日是复活节周末,学校4月16日停课一次。
  2. 南康小明星才艺表演/演讲比赛报名截止时间:4月23日。请大家用下面的链接报名:
  3. 4月23日我们将邀请温州医科大学眼视光医院小儿眼科医生陈洁,来学校谈谈“保护孩子心灵的窗户-眼睛”,具体情况请留意4月21日发出的通知。
  4. 4月23日学校PTA将再次举办旗袍义卖活动,同时学校也将出售一些中文书,也请大家留意学校通知。
  5. 4月30日,学校和旅美科技协会康州分会联合举办讲座,将邀请英华语言学校、英华国际学校创办人廖冰女士谈"Equal Parenting",以及费菲女士分享在Gartner, Google, McKinsey的面试经验。详情请留意4月底的通知。
  6. 学校正在进行教材评估,如果你对现在所用教材有任何想法和建议,请向你孩子的任课老师反映,也可e-mail给我,我转给相关的团队。
  7. Regards,


SCCS]4/7/2017: Talent show registration and others

Dear all,

We will have school this coming Sunday (April 9).

  1. Due to the campus closure in the Easter weekend, SCCS will have no class on April 16.
  2. The deadline for registration of "2016-2017 SCCS Rising Star Talent Show/Speech Contest" is April 23. Please use the link below to register:
  3. On April 23, we will invite Dr. Jie Chen, Pediatric ophthalmologist in Eye Hospital, Wen Zhou medical University, to give a talk on "how to protect your child's vision". Details will be followed.
  4. On April 23, PTA will host another fundraising event: including cheongsam sale, and book sale.
  5. On April 30, SCCS and CAST-CT will host two lectures: "Equal parenting" by Bing Liao, and "Interview with Gartner, Google and McKinsey" by Fei Fei. Please pay attention to our further communication.
  6. The SCCS is evaluating Chinese textbooks. If you have any suggestion, please communicate with your child's teacher or e-mail me directly.

Thanks a lot. See you this Sunday.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]3/31/17:短课: 在美华人历史,税务讲座,耶鲁中文班学员来访



  • 短课:在美华人历史 - 周日开始,仍有3个位子
  • 税务讲座 - 周日1:40-3:10
  • 耶鲁学生将访问中文学校,做调查

  1. 短课:在美华人历史 - 本周日开始,仍有3个位子,有兴趣的可以到下面的google form报名

    This pilot course will teach students about the history of Chinese in America in the last two centuries. The course will provide readings and historical sources around each week's topic, a short lecture on the history, and a group discussion about the reading materials and lecture. The course aims to teach students about the history and develop skills to be effective communicators and analytical thinkers through the lens of Chinese-American identity.
    Week 1: introduction-why do we study Chinese American history, and the first Chinese in America
    Week 2: Chinese Americans in the 1800s: Gold Mountain and the Railroad
    Week 3: Era of Chinese Exclusion
    Week 4: World War I and II and Chinese American Relations
    Week 5: Chinese Americans in Post-War America: Civil Rights Movement and the Immigration and Nationality Act
    Week 6: Chinese Americans in the contemporary period

  2. 税务知识普及讲座 by Helen Bi & Julia Zhai


    • - 美国税法的基本原则
    • - 报税基本常识
    • - 相关的报税文件
    • - 常见误区
    • - 税务规划
    • - 问题与解答

  3. 南康中文学校和耶鲁大学中文学生的合作项目


    • 第一类活动是采访家长。耶鲁学生将在南康中文学校随机采访愿意合作的家长,以理解他们是怎样在西方文化氛围中维持和传播中国传统文化的。耶鲁学生不会问及采访者的名字,身份及其他个人信息。所采访内容只作为完成学校课业用途, 不会被在任何其他地方透露,发表或使用。耶鲁学生可能会征求您的同意, 让他们录音采访内容, 因为他们担心中文水平不够, 所记得笔记不能使他们回去后完成报告。请给予耶鲁学生合作,支持和鼓励!

    • 第二项活动是由耶鲁学生和南康中文学校的SIF中文学习社团以及非华裔班的学生互动,为他们设计和主持有趣的学中文活动, 以鼓励低龄的非华裔学生产生更大的学习兴趣。

    • 通过这个合作项目,我们希望学校对周边社区和中文爱好者提供更多了解中国文化和南康中文学校的机会。



[SCCS]3/31/17:Short Course: History of Chinese in America, Talk on Tax; and Students from Yale U will visit

Dear all,

We will have three activities to announce in this e-mail. Please be patient to read them all.

  • Short free course of the History of Chinese in America, starting this Sunday, still has 3 openings.
  • Talk on Tax, 1:40-3:10pm, C010, Sunday
  • Students from Yale University will come to visit SCCS.

  1. Short free course of the History of Chinese in America. The seminar by Julia Wang last week on the history of Chinese in America was a big success. Now Julia will have a 6-week short course on the same topic. The details were listed in the top of this e-mail. If you want to sign up your child, please do so ASAP. The course will start this Sunday and lasts 6 weeks. Good for the students middle school and above.

  2. Income Tax 101 by Helen Bi & Julia Zhai

    Helen works in the tax team of a multinational corporation & worked in public accounting firms for several years. She has rich experiences in corporate, pass-through, & individual taxes.
    Julia works in a tax law firm specialized in international taxation as Director of tax & accounting. She has years of experience in tax planning & international taxation.
    Time: April 2, 1:40-3:10, C010

    • - Principles of US Income Taxes
    • - Basics of Individual Taxation
    • - Tax-related Documents & Forms
    • - Common Misunderstandings
    • - Tax Planning
    • - Q&A

  3. Students from Yale University will visit SCCS.

    On April 2 and April 9, a group of Yale students who are currently taking intermediate Chinese course with the Yale Chinese Language Program will visit Southern Connecticut Chinese School for promoting Chinese learning mutually. The Yale students will conduct two types of activities at SCCS.

    • - The first activity is interviews with SCCS parents. Yale students will find the parents who are willing to talk to them for some Chinese culture related questions. This will help both parties to comprehend impact of Chinese culture to daily American life of ordinary people, both Chinese and non-Chinese. The students won’t ask your name, identification or any personal information. Furthermore, all of your answers won’t be disclosed, used, or published anywhere. The students only need the information they collect to finish a Yale project in their class. Please be aware that the students may ask you for the permission of recording the interviews, since they are afraid that they cannot capture everything for the later project report due to their Chinese level. Please show your support and encouragement by talking to them.
    • -The second activity is an interaction between Yale students and SCCS non-heritage students. Yale students will design and lead activities with the non-heritage students who are participating SIF Chinese Learning Program or who are taking Chinese classes. It would be fun and encouraging, which stimulate passion of Chinese learning by learners who have no Chinese origin.

    • - By deploying this co-program, we hope that we make more effort to reach the community around Great New Haven, and provide opportunities for SCCS members, especially our students, to understand other Chinese language learners.

Should you have any question, feel free to contact me directly.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School






主讲人:耶鲁法学院 王畅
时间:2:30-3:30 Sunday

王畅简历:耶鲁大学法学院3年级学生,哈佛大学本科毕业后作为盖茨学者获剑桥大学硕士,专门研究美国和中国历史,发表多篇关于中国、移民的文章,去年八月份发表在《大西洋月刊》上题为The Burden of Being Asian American on Campus一文,很值得家有ABC的家长读一读。






[SCCS]03/24/2017:Seminar: “History of Chinese-America", School Store opens

Dear all,

In the coming Sunday, we will have a wonderful seminar. School store will be open.

Seminar on The history of Chinese-American and outlook

What does it mean to be Chinese-American? Where does the story of Chinese in America being, and why does it still matter today? How will the next generation of Chinese-Americans shape or change the outlook of America and the world? This seminar will explore these questions with a brief introduction to the history of Chinese in America. The seminar will present the launch of a pilot program on Chinese-American history that will be offered to students at this school.

Speaker: Julia Wang, Yale Law School
         with assistance from Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA)

Time: 2:30-3:30, March 26, 2017

Venue: C010


Julia Wang moved to the U.S. from China when she was 9. She grew up in Chicago, studied at Harvard for her undergraduate degree in History, and got a Masters at Cambridge as a Gates Scholar. She is currently a law student at Yale. She has studied Chinese and American history extensively, and has published articles on China, immigration, and Britain on The Atlantic and The Huffington Post. The article she published in The Atlantic last August can be found here:

School store opens

Thanks to PTA and all volunteers. The school store will open this Sunday.

See you this Sunday.

Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]3/17/17: 南康小明星才艺表演/演讲比赛


2017 南康中文学校春节联欢会在老师和家长的大力支持下, 取得了非常令人难以忘怀的成果。 我校超过三百名学生展示了他们所学的中文和中国文化。为了进一步以趣味的方式引导和激发学生学习中文和中国文化的兴趣, 我们将在春季学期期末阶段举办“南康小明星才艺表演/演讲比赛”。

本活动的宗旨在于在全校范围发动尽可能多的学生展示自己的中文水平。因此, 活动包括四种表演类别。此外,所有参加的学生都会得到平等的鼓励奖。对于每个表演类别的前三名,学校将颁发奖励证书, 并请得奖者在2017年中秋联欢等场合表演。

    ♥ ♥ ♥ 本活动的具体信息如下:♥ ♥ ♥

  • 举办时间:5月7日下午12:30- 2:00,5月14日下午12:30- 2:00
  • 举办地点:Engleman Hall C112 (小礼堂)
  • 表演形式:(必须用普通话表演)
    • 类别1: 歌曲
    • 类别2:诗词散文朗诵/绕口令/讲故事
    • 类别3:小话剧/小品/相声
    • 类别4:演讲
  • 要求:
    • 表演者为南康中文学校在校学生
    • 表演者为个人或小团体 (不超过五人)
    • 表演时间不超过3分钟, 二年级及以上年级学生表演时间不少于1分钟。
    • 表演者自行提供音乐及视频材料( 背投,伴奏乐或乐器演奏),上交时间为报名截止日期。音乐及视频不能含有中文背景声音。
    • 报名截止日期:4月23日



[SCCS]3/17/17: SCCS Rising Star Talent Show/Speech Contest

Dear SCCS students, parents and teachers,

The 2017 Chinese New Year Gala was a memorable event. On the event, over 300 students showed Chinese language and culture which they learned, with the remarkable efforts of teachers and parents. To give our students more opportunities to show their Chinese learning experience and to gain deeper understanding of Chinese language and culture in fun way, we are announcing 2016-2017 SCCS Rising Star Talent Show/Speech Contest.
To encourage as many as possible students to participate, we open four categories for the student to show their Chinese language skills. Furthermore, all performers are equally awarded. The top three performers in each category will be given certificates and further performing opportunities, such as 2017 SCCS Mid-autumn Festival celebration event.

♥ ♥ ♥Here are the details of this exciting event:♥ ♥ ♥

  • Time:May 7, 12:30-2 pm and May 14, 12:30-2 pm
  • Location:Engleman Hall C112 (the Auditorium)
  • Format: (must be mandarin Chinese based)
    • Category 1: Singing,
    • Category 2: reciting/tongue twister/story-telling
    • Category 3: mini-play/cross talk
    • Category 4: speech
  • Requirement:
    • The performers must be a current SCCS students
    • Individual and small group of performers (no more than five) are encouraged
    • The length of performance cannot exceed 3 minutes, and should not be less than 1 minute for 2nd grader and above
    • The performers are responsible for providing necessary audio (mp3) or video materials (before registration deadline), or live music instrumentation。The audio and video materials cannot contain Chinese audio.
    • Registration Deadline: April 23, 2017

We are looking forward to having this event to be a great venue of motivating our students and engaging the community. Please feel free to let us know if you have any question. Thank you for your support and participation!

SCCS Office and PTA





[SCCS]3/11/2017:夏令时开始 Daylight saving time starts tonight

Dear All SCCS Members,

Daylight saving time will start at 2 am tomorrow morning. Please remember to set your clock one hour ahead. SCCS will use the Daylight saving time tomorrow. Please prepare earlier to avoid any delay.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School











[[SCCS]3/4/2017:HSK/YCT test and general member meeting

Dear SCCS Members,

General member meeting The school will have a special general member meeting tomorrow to elect one board director. You can refer to the e-mail sent by Mr. Ji Tong, the Board Chair, several days ago. To build a healthy environment for our children and a strong Chinese school needs all your involvement.

HSK&YCT tests We will continue to administrate HSK test for 8th graders and YCT test for 5th graders. All students in these two grades were informed by their teachers directly. If you want to learn more about two tests, please visit their website:

Spelling Bee
We will have our spelling bee in September or October to encourage our students to review vocabulary during summer break. There are several changes: the competition will be held among students at the same grade; the words for tiebreak will be within lower levels not high levels which also encourage students to review all words they learned before; the gap of prizes will be narrower but range will broader to encourage more students to participate.

Talent show
We realized that the Chinese New Year Gala has limited spaces for individuals or small groups other than the same class or grade. We are planning to have a talent show in late April or early May. The school will provide stages for these students who want to show their talents. More details will be followed.

Tickets for Pianist Daniel Hsu by New Haven Symphony
If you reserved the tickets for Pianist Daniel Hsu by New Haven Symphony in Woolsey Hall on April 6, please stop by the office this Sunday to pick up tickets. Since the seat is marked in each ticket, both adults and children need tickets. If you only reserved tickets for adults and need tickets for children, please e-mail me to reserve tickets for children.

Summer camp

Some parents have been asking the status of our summer camp. From the summer of 2008, our summer camp has become an alternative choice for many parents who want their children to expose to Chinese culture but cannot travel to China. We will continue our summer camp in August. If you are interested in serving in the summer camp including preparation, please contact us.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School








[SCCS]02/24/2017:Yoga Class

Dear SCCS Members,

We will have regular classes this coming Sunday.

Yoga class
The teacher for Zumba class cannot continue teaching at our school due to personal reason. We will change the class to Yoga from March 5. All students in Zumba class should receive the communication from our staff. If you want to continue with the Yoga class, you do not need to do anything. If you want to withdraw your registration, please send an e-mail to and no later than March 4. Yoga is also open for everyone who is interested in taking the class. Please also send an e-mail to the above two addresses.

School Store Opens
The school store will be open this Sunday. Thanks to all volunteers for helping the school store.

See you this Sunday.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School






[SCCS]02/17/2017:No School on Feb 19

Dear all SCCS members,

Due to the long weekend of President Day, SCCS will not have class on Feb 19. We will resume the school on Feb 26.

There are still some parents who do not know our plan if there is inclement weather. We will post our decision around 10am Sunday through school website, WeChat group, and e-mails. Since our e-mails are sometimes delayed or blocked by some e-mail servers, the best way to check will be our school website.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School




  1. 如果由于天气原因不能上课,学校会在星期天10时左右在微信、网站以及e-mail通知。
  2. 明天中文学校小店开放,欢迎同学前往选购。有的家长希望能够在家里也用中文学校的奖券鼓励孩子完成中文作业,可以到学校办公室购买,一次限购100点。
  3. 数学SAT班的分班情况已经通知各位家长,请注意明天开始按分班后的教室上课。



[SCCS]02/11/2017: School store open and others

Dear all SCCS members,

Thanks to those who made the Chinese New Year Gala a big success. Your effort is highly appreciated. Some photos taken from the gala can be downloaded from the link below. Video will be provided for downloading after editing.

  1. In case of inclement weather, school will post the updates around 10 am Sunday morning via WeChat group, website and e-mail.
  2. The school store will be open tomorrow. Students are encouraged to shop at the store. If you have special needs, please let our store volunteers know. For those families who want to use school award point to encourage your child to learn at home, you can purchase some points from school office. There is limit of 100 points you can purchase.
  3. Math SAT was split into 2 classes and these parents should get notices from school and teachers. It will start with the new classrooms from tomorrow.

Thanks a lot and see you tomorrow.

Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]02/04/2017: 春节联欢会


经过南康中文学校春节联欢会筹备组及师生的努力,我校将于2月5日在南康大学Lyman Center举行一年一度的春节联欢会,这次联欢会有超过100位的家长及学生义工参与,超过300名师生演出,还有武当武术学院、木兰健身艺术学院、彩蝶舞蹈团的精彩演出,节目丰富多彩,不容错过。


  • 12:00-2:30,在Engleman Hall将有游戏活动。
  • 11:30-2:45 节目彩排将在Lyman Center举行,彩排次序已经通知各节目负责人,请按时到场参加彩排。
  • 1:00-2:30 学校将给参加演出的同学提供Pizza和瓶装水(限中文学校学生),凭票供应,Pizza票将只通过中文课老师按参加演出的人数发放。组委会将有少量Pizza和水出售,地点在Engleman Hall的餐厅。
  • 12:00-5:30 丙烯画老师贾玟璐以及她的父亲、画家贾克将在Lyman Center入口处举行老师学生画展
  • 3:00-5:30 表演将在lyman center举行


南康中文学校校长: 丁俊琪

[SCCS]02/04/2017: Chinese New Year Gala

Dear SCCS Members,

On Feb 5, SCCS will host a Chinese New Year Gala. To prepare the gala, we have more than 100 parent and student volunteers. More than 300 students and teachers will perform on stage, as well as artists from Wudang Kung Fu Academy, Mulan Dance Academy and Butterfly Dance Group. Free admission. The following are a general timeline for the activities on Feb 5.

  • 12:00-2:30pm games and activities in Engelman Hall
  • 11:30-2:45 dress rehearsal in Lyman Center. The rehearsal schedule was sent to each program.
  • 1:00-2:30 Pizza and bottle water will be provided to students who will perform (only for SCCS students). The tickets for pizza and water will be distributed through each Chinese teacher. We will have spare pizza and water to sell. Venue: Cafeteria in Engleman Hall.
  • 12:00-5:30 Art exhibition will be provided by Ms. Betty Jia and her father in the entrance of Lyman Center.
  • 3:00-5:30 Performance at Lyman Center

Thanks for your attention. See you this Sunday.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]1/28/2017: 新年快乐


明天(Jan 29)中文学校正常上课。如果还有同学需要改课的,请到办公室办理,注册了课程但没有正当原因不来上课的,学校将有权取消学生的注册,超过规定时间不通知学校的,所缴学费将不退还。



  1. 12:00-2:30,在Engleman Hall将有游戏活动。
  2. 11:30-2:45 节目彩排将在Lyman Center举行,彩排次序已经通知各节目负责人。
  3. 1:00-2:30 学校将给参加演出的老师和同学提供Pizza和瓶装水(限中文学校老师和学生),凭票供应,Pizza票将只通过中文课老师按参加演出的人数发放。联欢会现场将不提供食品销售。
  4. 12:00-5:30 丙烯画老师贾玟璐以及她的父亲、画家贾克将在Lyman Center入口处举行老师学生画展
  5. 3:00-5:30 表演将在lyman center举行



[SCCS]1/28/2017: Happy Chinese New Year

Dear SCCS Members,

School will open as usual tomorrow. If you need to re-arrange your courses, please stop by the school office during school time. If you will not show up in your registered course and do not inform the office, we will assume that you withdraw from the class. The school will remove the student after reasonable period and the paid tuition fee will not be refunded.

On Feb 5, SCCS will host a Chinese New Year Gala. The following are a general timeline for the activities on Feb 5.

  • 12:00-2:30pm games and activities in Engelman Hall
  • 11:30-2:45 dress rehearsal in Lyman Center. The rehearsal schedule was sent to each program.
  • 1:00-2:30 Pizza and bottle water will be provided to teachers and students who will perform (only for SCCS teachers and students). The tickets for pizza and water will be distributed through each Chinese teacher. We will no food sale onsite.
  • 12:00-5:30 Art exhibition will be provided by Ms. Betty Jia and her father in the entrance of Lyman Center.
  • 3:00-5:30 Performance at Lyman Center

Thanks for your attention. See you in the Chinese School.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]1/21/2017: 春季学期开学



明天是整个学年学费及其他费用的截止日期,过期将征收$20的Late fee。请登录学校网站,查询你的balance,学校网站上每个家庭的缴费历史都可以查到(Billing and Payment History),如果你发现记录有问题,请及时和我们联系。对于有需要退款的家庭,你可以直接在缴费历史的最下面栏目,选择希望退款、捐赠还是留在学校作为下学年的学费,不做任何选择的话,我们将默认留在学校做下学年的学费。


南康中文学校校长 丁俊琪

[SCCS]01/21/2017:Spring Semester starts tomorrow

Dear SCCS Members,

Jan 22 will be the first day for the Spring Semester. All classes including enrichment classes will begin tomorrow. Teachers for some classes have been changed so please pay attention to e-mails from your current teachers. If you have doubt, please login to school website and get your teacher's contact information.

Tomorrow will be the deadline for everyone to pay all dues for the school year of 2016-17 to avoid $20 late fee. If you have any question, please login to the school website and view your payment history. If you have any question regarding your due or balance, you can put the note under your payment history if you choose the menu of "Billing and Payment History". For these families who still have balance, you can select whether you want to keep the balance in the school for future use, to donate, or to request a refund check. If you do not make any choice, we will assume that you want to keep the balance in school for future use.

For those families who come to the school first time, please refer to the pdf file we prepared in the Fall semester. Please ignore the class room assigned in the pdf file. Classrooms listed in the pdf file might be obsolete, but the driving direction and parking information are still useful.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]1/7/07: 学校2017春季学期注意事项




  1. 每一门文化课,都有部分学生仅注册了秋季学期,请大家上网查询是不是忘记注册春季课程,需要补注册或改课的家庭,请发信到,请包括学生姓名、家庭ID、选课时段和课程名称。
  2. 本学学费最后一天缴交时间为1月22日,过时将征收$20元late fee,请尽量邮寄支票到学校信箱,可以减轻财务人员在开学第一天的压力。请留意由 发出的催款通知。大家可以登录学校网站查看自己的缴费历史,如有疑问,请及时和我们联系。
  3. 学校如果因为天气原因停课,会在当天十点钟以前在学校网站公布,我们也会利用微信、email和大家及时沟通,但由于学校e-mail经常被服务器延误,请以学校网站通知为准。
  4. 学校在上学期开设了中文才艺表演课。经过师生们的共同努力,老师们进一步丰富了教学实践经验,学生们在中文发音、吐字、朗读和舞台表演基础训练等方面都有了不同程度的长进。为了更好地以多种多样的文艺形式增加孩子们学习中文的乐趣并充分展现各自的艺术才能,也为逐步丰富我们华人的文化娱乐生活,中文才艺表演课将从下学期开始教学戏剧、戏曲表演课程,排演原创小话剧、相声等演出节目,为此,中文才艺表演课在春季学期面向孩子和成人扩大招生,年龄不限。我们将根据报名人数和所要排演的原创节目内容分别设置儿童班和成人班,因材施教,单独辅导、分组排练、片段排练和整场排练相结合,共同完成教、学及演出实践。欢迎大家踊跃报名。
  5. 鉴于学校采取的point系统能较好地调动学生学习的积极性,应部分家长要求,学校拟向家长限量出售point奖劵,家长可在家里奖励小孩完成中文学校的作业等。一个家庭一个学年可限量购买100点(15美元),所收费用将用于小店运作和Point奖券的印刷成本,有意者请向学校办公室查询。
  6. 转发雅理协会招募志愿者的通知。雅理协会将于2月4日举办Lunafest,亟需志愿者参与,详情请参看下面英文第6条。



[SCCS]1/7/07: Announcement for 2017 Spring Semester

Dear SCCS Members,

Happy New Year!

The first day for the Spring Semester is Jan 22. On Jan 29, there will be a Special General Member Council. On Feb 5, we will have Chinese New Year Gala in Lyman Center. Please mark your calendar.

  1. There are some students who only registered for Fall semester but not for Spring semester. Please login to your account and check your registration. If this is your intention, you do not need to do anything. If it is not, please let us know which class you want to register. Please send your request to with student name, class name, time period for the class and family ID.
  2. The deadline for tuition payment for the whole school year is Jan 22 to avoid any late fee. Please check your balance by login to school website. If there is any mistake for your payment history and balance, please let us know. Please pay attention to the e-mail sent by
  3. For school closing due to inclement weather, please check school website after 10am in the school day. We will also post the news in weichat group and send e-mail out. Since the e-mail server sometimes delays our mails, it will be better to check school website.
  4. We started an enrichment class on Chinese Talent Performance in the Fall semester. Now we want to expand the enrollment to adult students too. If you are interested in Chinese performance, please send your registration request to
  5. Since the school point system is a good way to encourage students to learn Chinese and participate in classroom, we want to expand the point system to those parents who want to also use the point system to encourage students to finish their homework. Parents can purchase points from school office. The limit per family per school year is 100 points ($15). The incoming will be used to support the school store and the cost of printing the points.
  6. The following message is from the Director of Yale-China Association:

As the sun rises on the Year of the Rooster, Lunarfest 2017 promises to be a celebration like no other! The Yale-China Association, the Council on East Asian Studies, and the New Haven Museum have teamed up yet again to bring Chinese culture and tradition to the streets of New Haven in one spectacular event to be held on Saturday, February 4th. This year, the focus will be on the various subcultures, regions, and identities woven through China's diverse lands. We welcome as many people as possible to attend.

We are seeking volunteers to ensure the best Lunarfest possible. High school students, college students, and community members are eligible. Volunteers can immerse themselves in the festivities while assisting staff to run the parade, lead arts & crafts tables, and direct visitors. High school students will have the opportunity to both fulfill graduation requirements and experience Chinese language and culture firsthand.

You can sign up here: d/ 1zZeQhKHQgVbP6ff47erPpjIJhZTYB 5KYcQAuZItjrkM/ Once you sign up, you will receive an e-mail requesting confirmation and additional information about your capabilities.

See you on Jan 22.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]12/20: 2016年财务审计报告



理事会同時通知了学校行政学习研究审计小组提出的对学校财务工作提出的各种建议, 并在下个学期开学以前提出具体的执行方案。



[SCCS]12/20: 2016 internal auditing report

Dear members,

The 2016 internal auditing was completed and the auditing report was posted to our school website. You can view the report by logging into your accounts.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our internal auditing team for their time, devotion, and hard work. We also like to encourage our members to get more involved with school functions.

Before we send this message, we asked the school administration team to review all of the recommendations offered by the internal auditing team and provide an action plan before the beginning of our spring semester. By working together, our school will have a brighter future.

Have a happy and safe holiday and new year!

SCCS board

[SCCS]12/18: Townhall meeting, Newsletter and last day of the semester




  1. 南康Lyman Center周日将有活动,附近停车场将关闭,Fitch Street Garage将对中文学校家长开放,大家可以把车停到那里,停车场较远,请大家留下足够时间,避免上课迟到。
  2. 学校将于本周日3:30-4:30在C112举行Townhall会议,学校行政各个部门将向大家通报学校的情况,欢迎大家参加。
  3. 《南康中文学校校刊》第18期本周日将在A-wing入口处分发,网络版也将在周日下午开始登载学校网站。谢谢校刊编辑组的义工家长和同学。
  4. 春季学期将于2017年1月22日开始,需要注册或换课的家庭,请直接和support@ynhchineseschool.org联系,全年学费及其他费用的缴交期限为开学第一天,请大家登录学校网站查询自己的帐目情况,如有出入,请及时和support@ynhchineseschool.org联系。同时请大家留意由finance@ynhchineseschool.org发出的催款通知。
  5. 转童戟理事长昨日通知:理事会应20%以上会员签名的请愿书的要求,将于春季学期召开特别会员大会,有关大会的具体信息将及时跟大家通报。




[SCCS]12/18: Townhall meeting, Newsletter and last day of the semester

Dear SCCS members,

The coming Sunday, it will be the last day of this semester.Thank you all for the support and corporation in the past semester.

  1. There will be an event in Lyman Center this Sunday. All parking lots around it will be closed. You can park in the Fitch Street Garage. Please allow additional time to walk to the school.
  2. The school will hold a Townhall meeting from 3:30 to 4:30 at C112. We will update the school status. Everyone is welcome.
  3. The School Newsletter is published and will be distributed in the entrance of A-Wing this Sunday. The online version will be available on the school website this Sunday afternoon. Thanks to all volunteers of the Newsletter group.
  4. The first day for Spring semester is Jan 22, 2017. If you want to register or switch courses, please send e-mail to The deadline for all payment for the school year is the first day of the Spring Semester. Please login your online account to check your balance. If you find any issue, please also contact Please also pay attention to the remind from
  5. Forwarding the message from Board Chair, Mr. Ji Tong: "the Board will call for a special council meeting in the spring semester in response to the signed petition of more than 20% members. We will update you on more details of this special council."

See you this Sunday.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School





  1. 春季学期需要报名的家庭,可以直接写信给,并请告知学生姓名,选课内容或改课情况以及FamilyID。请登录你的账户查询学费及其他费用,学校要求你结清本学年的所有费用,并把付款支票寄到学校信箱,最后缴费时间为开学第一天(Jan 22, 2017),超过这个时间如仍有未结清帐目,将收取$20 late fee.同时请大家注意由finance@ynhchineseschool.org发出的信。如果发现你的帐目有误差,请及时和学校联系。
  2. 学校将于2月5日举办春节晚会,如果您的孩子希望做这次中国新年庆祝活动的主持人,请先到学校春晚报名网页上报名:,并请在12月16晚上11点以前提供Audition video。video 形式内容没有限制,时间不能超过2分钟。 video可以存放在youtube,dropbox或者Google Drive上,请把链接和 contact information 寄给 没有提交Audition video 的同学不能参加主持人的选拔。另外我们会优先考虑过去2年没有参加过主持的同学。
    PTA会在12月18根据Audition video结果筛选和安排面试.
  3. 学校小店明天2点开始开放,欢迎小朋友选购。需要gift card的小朋友也可以直接到学校办公室换取。
  4. 预告:12/18 Lyman Center将有活动,附近的停车场将不开放,Fitch Street Garage将向中文学校家长开放,到时请预留时间。



2016.12.10: Spring Registration, Chinese New Year Gala and School Store

Hi All SCCS members,,

We still have two Sundays for this Semester.

  1. For those families who want to register or switch class for Spring Semester, please send an e-mail to which should include child name, family ID and the class want to register. If you still have due, please login to your account to check your family balance. Please pay the dues before Jan 22, 2017 (the first day of school) to avoid a $20 late fee. If you believe there is error in your account, please contact us ASAP.
  2. We will have our annual Chinese New Year Gala on Feb 5, 2017. If your child would like to be one of the 2017 SCCS Chinese New Year Gala hosts, you need to register him/her in our online form: 2017SCCS春节晚会报名表. And please prepare an audition video before 11:00 pm by 12/16/16. There are no specific requirements for the video, but the video cannot exceed 2 minutes. You can upload the video to Youtube, Dropbox, or Google Drive. Please email the link or file and your contact information to No consideration will be given to the applicant without an audition video. Priority will be given to applicants who have not been a host in the past two years. After the audition videos have been viewed and carefully selected, a final audition on 12/18/16 will take place.
  3. The school store will be open tomorrow from 2pm.
  4. There will be event in Lyman Center on Dec 18. Parking Lots near Lyman center will be closed. Please be prepared.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School




  1. 学校通过电邮和各位家长联系,是唯一有效的办法,但我们发现,许多家庭收不到我们的邮件,如果您在学校系统里的地址不正确,请及时更新;也可能许多邮件被邮件管理系统自动分类到垃圾邮件之列,解决此类问题的最佳方式是把下列地址放到你的联系人中:,,,,
    如果您使用QQ信箱,最好改成gmail, yahoo或其他邮箱,我们的邮件经常被QQ退回。
  2. 中文学校2017年春晚,将改到2月5日举行,这次晚会将由PTA和行政团队一起筹备,希望大家一起来把春晚办好。如果你: 有节目想参与春晚,以及/或者愿意为春晚的筹备和举行出一份力 请你到网上填表,节目报名截止时间:12月15日,志愿者报名没有时间限制:
  3. 春晚节目单征求封面设计,欢迎各位同学投稿,要求含中英文"南康中文学校2017年春节晚会“,"2017 SCCS Chinese New Year Gala",选中作品的作者会收到由PTA发给的一份惊喜。未选中作品如果有特色,将发表在校刊增刊。作品请发送到
  4. 春晚节目单征集广告,中文学校目前超过500多位学生,是康州最大的华人社团,春晚参与者不限于学校会员,广告效果明显,望广大会员积极帮助招募广告。
  5. 校刊增刊继续征稿;增刊将以电子文件形式发布,主要表现学生日常学习与生活。请各位任课老师收集、汇总自己班级学生的作品。学生家长也可以自行投稿。电子文稿要求以可编辑形式发送,如 MS Office File, OpenOffice File, Google Document, Plain Text File
    来稿请送电子邮件到校刊电子邮箱 。并注明作者联系信息。



206.12.03:School e-mail accounts, Chinese New Year Gala...

Dear All,

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. SCCS will resume tomorrow.

  1. E-mail is a best way for the school to communicate with you. Unfortunately some members had hard time to get our e-mails. If your e-mail in the school system is not right, please login to make changes. Sometimes our e-mails were put into SPAM folder by some e-mail services. Please check your SPAM folder. To solve the issue, you can add some common e-mail addresses from our school to your contact list:,,,,
    For those who are using QQ e-mail account, it is better for you to use different e-mail servers. We occasionally get e-mails bounced by QQ server.
  2. Our annual Chinese New Year Gala will be moved to Feb 5, 2017. Now the committee for the Gala is formed with co-leaders from PTA and Administration team. We need your help. If you: want to perform on the stage, and/or can help in preparation and organization of the Chinese New Year Gala Please register your program or yourself on the following website: The deadline for the registration of all performance is Dec. 15. There is no deadline for registering yourself as a volunteer.
  3. The committee calls for the artwork for the cover of the program booklet for Chinese New Year Gala. There will be a surprise gift for the author whose artwork is selected. The good unused artwork will be published in the supplementary version of School Newsletter. Please send your submission to
  4. The booklet also will publish advertisement. The School has more than 500 students and it is the largest Chinese community in Connecticut. The advertisement on the Chinese New Year Gala will be very effective. Please help us to spread the words.
  5. The Newsletter will have two major parts: main newsletter and supplement. The supplement continues to call for submission. The supplement will be published in electronic version, mainly focus on students learning and daily life.
    All articles need to be sent in an editable format, such as MS Office File, OpenOffice File, Google Document, Plain Text File, to by e-mail, with an indication of the author contact information.
    Photos need to be sent separately, with a resolution not less than 150DPI, please provide a photo description in the manuscript.
    Authors should keep a copy of the manuscript, and please contact with us if haven’t received any editorial reply.

See you tomorrow at Chinese School.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

❤️  2016.11.29 星期二: 请爱心捐款中文学校 ❤️





如果你想了解 #GivingTuesday, 可以访问他们的网站:


❤️ 2016.11.29 Giving Tuesday: We Pledge For Your Support  ❤️

Dear All,

It is GivingTuesday today. Many companies encourage their employees to donate to nonprofit organizations. If your company has such benefit and you also consider to make donation, please consider to support our school. You can find the necessary information about our school in the following link: If you want to know more about the #GivingTuesday, please visit the following website:

SCCS charges average less than $6 per class per student (a 45 minute session) and we have to face the increased cost of rental fee, security fee, tax, insurance, etc. In the past 9 years, the payrate for our teachers has not been adjusted. We need your support to maintain the low tuition fee, to maintain a strong faculty team and to provide you with high quality programs. Thanks in advance.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

2016.11.19: 春晚开始报名




  1. 本学期还有四次课,请各位老师做好期末安排。
  2. 明年1月29日,中文学校将举行一年一度的中国新年晚会,这次晚会将由PTA和行政团队一起筹备,希望大家一起来把春晚办好。如果你:
  3. 有节目想参与春晚,以及/或者 愿意为春晚的筹备和举行出一份力 请你到网上填表,节目报名截止时间:12月10日,志愿者报名没有时间限制:

  4. 如果你的孩子下学期的课忘了报或没有报上,请和我们联系,请注明姓名、family ID、想要报名的课程
  5. 年终将近,如果你的公司有为nonprofit设立的match fund,请充分利用这一福利,支持中文学校,如果你需要任何协助,请和我们联系。也可以参考学校网页:
  6. 下星期日(11月27日),中文学校学校不上课。



Performers, Volunteers for 2016 Chines New Year Gala

Dear SCCS Members:

Time flies so fast. Next week, it will be Thanksgiving holiday. We want you and your family have a great Thanksgiving.

  1. We will have 4 Sundays left for the Chinese School. Please plan accordingly.
  2. We will have our annual Chinese New Year Gala on Jan 29, 2017. Now the committee for the Gala is formed with co-leaders from PTA and Administration team. We need your help. If you: want to perform on the stage, and/or can help in preparation and organization of the Chinese New Year Gala Please register your program or yourself on the following website:
    The deadline for the registration of all performance is Dec. 10. There is no deadline for registering yourself as a volunteer.
  3. If you did not register your children or yourself on the courses in Spring Semester, we can register for you. Please e-mail me the name, family ID and the courses you want to add. We will try our best to assist you.
  4. If your company has a benefit or match fund to support nonprofit organization, please try your best to utilize the benefit. If you need any assistance, please contact us. You can also refer the document in our website:
  5. There will be no school on Nov 27 to observe the Thanksgiving.


Junqi Ding, Principal

Ying Peng, PTA President


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

2016.11.15: 校刊征稿启事







电子文稿要求以可编辑形式发送,如 MS Office File, OpenOffice File, Google Document, Plain Text File


来稿请送电子邮件到校刊电子邮箱 。并注明作者联系信息。






Newsletter: Call for submission(Nov. 15, 2016)

Dear SCCS Members:

The Newsletter is on the way, will meet with you as soon as possible.

As the first issue of this new school year, we will focus on the operation of the school and the composition of the new staff team. Therefore we will need the contribution from staff, invitation letters will be sent recently to relevant staff member, please notice.

All kinds of articles from parents and students are welcome as well. There is no limit of the style of article, it can be either short or long, can be any topic related to our school and your life, can be humorous writing, poetry, children's education, medical care, couplet painting, photography calligraphy, cooking gardening, the technology, etc. ......

The Newsletter will have two major parts: main newsletter and supplement. The main newsletter will be printed and focus on school matters; the supplement will be published in electronic version, mainly focus on students learning and daily life.

All articles need to be sent in an editable format, such as MS Office File, OpenOffice File, Google Document, Plain Text File, to by e-mail, with an indication of the author contact information.

Photos need to be sent separately, with a resolution not less than 150DPI, please provide a photo description in the manuscript.

Authors should keep a copy of the manuscript, and please contact with us if haven’t received any editorial reply.

The deadline for this issue is November 27, 2016.

Should you have any comments, suggestions, etc., please share with us.

Thank you for your support.

SCCS Chinese School Newsletter Team

2016年11月13日: 请支持我们学校, 用 Amazon



  1. 节日临近,请大家支持南康中文学校,如果财力允许,可以考虑为学校捐赠,如果公司有match fund,请充分利用这一福利,同时你的捐赠可以免税。如果你经常在Amazon上购物,请使用下列地址进入Amazon,。也可以通过学校网站首页的连接进入,Amazon将会捐赠部分给中文学校。
  2. 明年1月29日,学校将举办新年联欢晚会。和往年一样,PTA将负责新年晚会的筹备,班级节目和个人节目将分两个渠道进行,请大家注意PTA的通知。




Nov 13, 2016: Support SCCS, use Amazon

Dear SCCS members,

The school will have regular classes tomorrow.

  1. It is near holiday season. Please consider to support our school by taking advantage to make tax-deductible donation. In addition, you can use smile program by Amazon to support our school. You can use the link: to shop at Amazon. It will not cost you more but SCCS will benefit from your shopping.
  2. We will have Chinese New Year Gala on Jan 29, 2017. The school PTA will organize the event. Please pay attention to e-mails from PTA regarding program sign-up.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

2016年11月13日: 请支持我们学校, 用 Amazon



  1. 节日临近,请大家支持南康中文学校,如果财力允许,可以考虑为学校捐赠,如果公司有match fund,请充分利用这一福利,同时你的捐赠可以免税。如果你经常在Amazon上购物,请使用下列地址进入Amazon,。也可以通过学校网站首页的连接进入,Amazon将会捐赠部分给中文学校。
  2. 明年1月29日,学校将举办新年联欢晚会。和往年一样,PTA将负责新年晚会的筹备,班级节目和个人节目将分两个渠道进行,请大家注意PTA的通知。




Nov 13, 2016: Support SCCS, use Amazon

Dear SCCS members,

The school will have regular classes tomorrow.

  1. It is near holiday season. Please consider to support our school by taking advantage to make tax-deductible donation. In addition, you can use smile program by Amazon to support our school. You can use the link: to shop at Amazon. It will not cost you more but SCCS will benefit from your shopping.
  2. We will have Chinese New Year Gala on Jan 29, 2017. The school PTA will organize the event. Please pay attention to e-mails from PTA regarding program sign-up.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

2016年11月5日: 夏令时、停车场、代理教务长...




  1. 夏令时今天夜间结束,请记得把时钟往回拨一个小时。明天学校将按正常时间上课。
  2. 明天Lyman Center有活动,所有靠近Lyman Center的停车场将关闭,除了靠近Engleman A-wing的停车场(P-2停车场),大家还可以把车停到Fitch Street Garage,也就是下图的Building 4.
  3. 欢迎沈建华老师加入我们行政团队,沈老师明年一月一日起任代理教务长,非常感谢她愿意出来为学校服务,她现在执教的班级,将在春季学期由新的老师任教,学校将和所在班级的家长沟通。同时也感谢李戎真教务长在学校最艰苦的时候来学校服务,李戎真教务长由于即将休产假,明年一月起暂时休息半年,现在的中文教师队伍非常强大,完全得利于戎真的辛苦劳动。从现在开始到一月一日,沈老师除了继续担任4年级的中文老师外,还会以志愿者的形式和戎真一起合作,把教师的培训工作安排好,做到有连续性、系统性。另外,她还将负责学校校刊的编辑。
  4. 学校校刊招募志愿者,欢迎有中文或英文写作经验的家长、老师和高年级的同学报名。同时,如果谁有排版经验或愿意学习排版技术,如使用InDesign or Scribus,也欢迎报名。请直接和我联系。




Nov 11, 2016: Daylight saving ends, parking, deputy...

Dear SCCS members,

The school will have regular classes tomorrow.

  1. The Daylight Saving Time ends tonight. Please remember to adjust your clock accordingly. The school will use the normal time starting from tomorrow.
  2. The parking lots near Lyman Center will close tomorrow due to the activities in Lyman Center. In addition to the parking lot outside the A-Wing of Engleman Building, you can use Fitch Street Garage (building 4 in the map: Please allow additional time for you to find the parking lot and walk to our school.
  3. Welcome Ms. Jianhua Shen to the Administration team. Starting from Jan 1, 2017, she will be the Deputy Provost. We want to thank Ms. Shen for her willing to serve our school. I also want to use this opportunity to thank Ms. Rongzhen Li, the Provost, to join our team during the difficult time of our school. Because of her hard working, we recruited and trained more than 10 new teachers and have more substitute teachers. She will take a half year maternity leave from January 1. Let's wish her the best. Before Ms. Shen assumes the responsibility of the Deputy Provost, she will work closely with Ms. Rongzhen Li as a volunteer in addition to her regular teaching job. They will make sure the teacher training is well organized and continuous. In addition, Ms. Shen will lead the Newsletter team.
  4. The Newsletter team wans to have more volunteers. Any parent, teacher and high-grade student with strong writing skill either in Chinese or English are welcome. In addition, anyone who knows how to use publish software such as InDesign, Scribus, or wants to learn is also welcome. Please contact me directly.
  5. Best wishes to all of you.


    Junqi Ding


    Junqi Ding, PhD
    Southern Connecticut Chinese School

2016年10月30日通知: 小店开放、招募程序员义工



本周日学校正常上课,下周日学校靠近C-wing入口的所有停车场将不开放,大家可以使用Fitch Street Garage (请参考下面链接中的4号建筑),为防止下周匆忙,请各位本周日先看一下路线。

学校小店周日开放,志愿者为小朋友们准备了不少万圣节糖果以及其他物品,欢迎小朋友们前往选购。需要gift card的小朋友,除了可以在小店购买外,还可以到学校办公室购买。如果需要面值较大或特殊的gift card,也可以到学校办公室预订。本学期学校小店的两次开放,首先要感谢PTA彭莹主席以及店长胡婷娜,还要感谢张晓红、杨汝稳、彭博、黄焰、吴蓉、夏泽华、梁宁辉、相红, grace,Cai Wang,李晓园、曲力、赵斌、施华芳,Alina Yang, Steven Zhang, Harvey Zhang, Valerie Qiang, Ling Zhu, Sienna Wang, Sophia Wang, June,ningning Luo,Jody liu 和Audrey Vandergriff 等一大批志愿者(如有遗漏,请原谅)。


学校财务正在清理每个家庭的账目,如果你收到 的通知,就意味着或者学校还欠你的钱或者你欠学校的钱,请你尽快按照信中的提示,到学校网上处理。同时,我们也谢谢把余款捐给学校的家庭。



October 30, 2016: Store opens and call for volunteer for IT

Dear SCCS members,

We will have a regular school day tomorrow. On Nov 6, all parking lots near the entrance of C-Wing will be closed. You can park your car in Fitch Street Garage which is No 4 building in the following pdf file Please take a little bit time tomorrow to get familiar with the place to avoid rush for next Sunday.

The school store will be open tomorrow. Our volunteers prepared some Halloween candies as well as the stuff you asked in the survey. If you want to purchase gift cards such as iTunes, Amazon, Target, etc, you can get from the store or from the office. If you want to have some special gift cards, you can also pre-order in the office.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers to help us in the school store: Ying Peng, the PTA president; Tina Hu, the Store manager; Xiaohong Zhang, Ruwen Yang, Lincy Aisin, Yan Huang, Rong Wu, Zehua Xia, Ninghui Liang, Hong Xiang, Cai Wang, Xiaoyuan Li, Li Qu, Bin Zhao, Huafang Shi, Alina Yang, Steven Zhang, Harvey Zhang, Valerie Qiang, Ling Zhu, Sienna Wang, Sophia Wang, June,ningning Luo, Jody liu and Audrey Vandergriff (sorry if I miss your name).

If you know PHP and MySQL, we need you to join our IT group to enhance our website. Please contact Thanks in advance.

Finance team is cleaning up every family's record. If you receive an e-mail from, that means that you have either credit or balance. Please follow the steps provided in the e-mail. Your assistance is highly appreciated. I also want to thank those who donate their credit to the school. Together, we can make the school finance much healthier.


Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School












SCCS Announcement on October 23, 2016

Dear SCCS members,

It is the open day today for SCSU, our host university. SCCS will not have class today.

I want to update the progress of our effort on cleaning up each family's record in our system which includes both registration and financial records. Thanks to the hard work of our colleagues in the finance team and IT team, we have a much better system to manage the students' record and finance record. Now we clean up all students' records who accidentally registered or registered but did not show up in our system. This also cleans up the fake receivables for those families.

For those families who have credits in our school, you will receive an email to direct you how to choose from the following options: to leave the credit there for next year, to request a refund check and to donate it to our school.

For those families who have balance to pay, you will also receive an e-mail soon. If you still have balance for this Semester, you will be required to pay to clean up the due for this semester. If you do not have the due for this semester but have the due for all school year, you will be given options to choose between to pay now and to pay before the beginning of next semester.

We will extend the options for those families who do not currently register after a policy is developed by the Administration team and approved by the Board.

See you next Sunday.


Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School





  1. 目前学校正在清理每个家庭的帐目,需要大家的配合。我们仍有许多应收款项没有收回,有些已经是陈年老帐,可能的原因有多种,比如注册了课但没有上也没有取消、迟注册的罚款、秋季只交了部分款项,余额留到春天补缴、支票邮寄途中丢失等等,种种原因给我们的工作造成了困扰,学校财务和IT正在合作,把网上各个家庭的欠款或余款做一个清理,我们将提供一个容易操作的平台让大家可以选择。在这个平台完全做好之前,请各位务必登录学校网站,检查一下自己家庭的帐目,如果确实是学校的问题,请周日到办公室告知,我们将记录下来,统一处理。如果你确实没有缴费或希望补齐,请带支票到学校办公室缴费。
  2. 需要夏令营正式发票的家庭,请在3:30之前到办公室领取。
  3. 需要兑换gift card的小朋友可以到办公室换取,需要大额gift card($25以上)的小朋友也可到办公室登记。
  4. 如果家庭地址或电话有变化的家庭,请务必到网上及时更改,上星期日有一位家长忘了接孩子,幸好学校database里的手机号码正确,我们才能及时联系上这位家长。另外,请教育你的孩子,不要跟陌生人离开学校大门,如果找不到家长,可以直接到A107办公室,我们一直有人值班。
  5. 如果你对学校有任何建议,请及时和我们联系,我们希望和大家一起把学校办好,共同建设我们这个社区共有的学校。



SCCS Announcement Oct 15, 2016

Dear All SCCS members,

We will have regular classes tomorrow. The school will be closed on Oct. 23 due to the open house of SCSU.

  1. We are cleaning up our finance record for every family. We have a lot of families who still have dues. The reason might vary, for example, registered but did not attend and did not cancel in our record, late fees, intentionally partial paid for Fall, and lost check on the way to the school, etc. This creates a lot of hurdles for us to clean up the system. The financial team and IT team are working together to create a platform online for every family to clean up their record. Before the function is ready, please login to your account and check your balance. If there are errors, please stop by A107 during the school time. If you want to pay your due, please bring your check to the school. After the platform is ready, we will inform you the options you have. Your corporation is highly appreciated.
  2. The receipts for summer camp will be ready to pick up tomorrow before 3:30 in A107.
  3. If your child wants to exchange gift cards using their earned points, please stop by A107.
  4. Please update your contact information in your account on time. It is important for the school to have your current contact information in case of emergency. We had some examples that parents could not pick up their children on time. In addition, please teach your children not to go out of the building with stranger(s). If they cannot find parents, please come to the school office A107.
  5. To build a stronger school needs collective efforts from every member. Your input is very important. If you have any suggestion or thought to help us to improve our school, please contact us. Together, we can build a better school.


Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School



今天中文学校照常上课,10月23日, 由于南康大学需要教室,学校将停课一次。

学校实行的计点奖励制度大大提高了学生参与的积极性,但目前大量token存储于学生手中,毎次开学校小店换回来的token 不够再发给老师。除了开小店换token, 学校办公室还有礼物卡gift cards 兑换。现有Amazon,iTunes, target 小面额卡($5-$15, 50-150 points),同学不需要等到小店开门才能换,可以鼓励同学在课间到办公室换取;另外,如果学生想要大面额礼物卡($25 或更多),可以到办公室登记,我们尽快订好通知学生来办公室兑换。如果预交大额卡的token点,我们可以给小奖励。希望家长们帮忙劝说孩子尽量不要大量囤积token。

南康中文学校校长 丁俊琪

SCCS Announcement Oct 9, 2016

Dear SCCS members,

We will have a regular class today. On Oct 23, we will not have the school due to the open house day of SCSU.

We have a point system to encourage our students to learn Chinese. But students hold a lot of tokens in hand and we are short of it for teachers. In addition to the regular store opening, we prepared some gift cards such as Amazon, iTunes, Target (usually $5-$15 with 50-150 points) in the office. Please let your children know that they can come to the Office (A107) to purchase these gift cards. For some students who want to have even larger value gift cards (more than $25), we can order for them if they come to register in the office. For those students to prepay with their tokens, we can give some additional awards.


Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School









Oct. 02, 2016 Announcement: New Office Managers

Dear SCCS members,

I am delighted to announce that Mr. Liping Zhao, Dr. Ying Jiang will share the responsibility of the Office Manager. Both of them will report to the Vice Principal Dr. Yingzi Wang. Please join me to welcome them to join the administration team.

Mr. Liping Zhao has the long history to serve the school. He was the board member from 2007 to 2009, the board chair from 2009 to 2011. I am really happy that he joins my administration and serves the school again.

Dr. Ying Jiang is a relative new member to the chinese school. She has a PhD degree in Biology and is very responsible. She already comes to the school office to give her hands before the board approved her nomination.

I also want to use this opportunity to make a public request that we welcome more members, especially those with young child(ren), to help the school as volunteers. I want to thank Ms. Bo Peng and her husband for volunteering in the past two Sundays. We really appreciate their help.

By the way, I want to remind every parent to teach your child(ren) the importance of safety. Today, Ms. Bo Peng was hit by the sudden-open door pushed by a student.

Best regards,

Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School





  1. 小店2:00-4:00正式开放。感谢胡婷娜同学以及她的妈妈张晓红女士、还有PTA彭莹主席,今年她们将协助行政团队负责小店的运作。明天将是本学期的第一次开店,她们已经准备了丰富的物品,欢迎小朋友们到餐厅选购。同时,也感谢黄翡老师对小店团队的指导和支持。
  2. 理事会将在C010举行理事会,详情请参看童戟理事长前几天的email。学校需要你的参与。
  3. Bulldog SAT Verbal课程将按上周摸底考试成绩分成两个班,请选这门课的家长注意查看email通知。
  4. 尚未缴费的家庭,请到办公室缴费。请登录学校网站,查看自己的缴费情况,如有疑问,请直接和support@ynhchineseschool.org联系,也可星期日到学校办公室查询。如果需要退款的家庭,也请到办公室登记,学校将统一为大家准备退款支票。
  5. 学校正在和南康fire Marshall联系,争取为大家做一次安全讲座以及火警演习。但请注意,安全问题不能等这样的安全教育和演习,每个家长请教育自己的孩子,注意安全,了解紧急出口。



SCCS Announcement Oct. 1, 2016: Classes and Highlights

Dear SCCS members,

We will have regular classes tomorrow. The following are several highlights:

  1. The store will be open from 2:00 to 4:00 tomorrow. Students can use their earned points to purchase goods at the school store. Thanks to Tina Hu and her mom, Xiaohong Zhang, as well as Ying Peng, the PTA president, to help the Administration team to organize the store. They did great job to prepare a lot of goods for our students. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Fei Huang for her guidance and help.
  2. The school Board will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon at Rm C010. Please refer to the e-mails Mr. Michael Tong, the Board Chair, sent this week. This is YOUR school and she needs your attention and involvement.
  3. Bulldog SAT Verbal class will be split into two classrooms based on the diagnostic test last week. Please pay attention to your e-mail for the classroom your child should go. If you did not get the e-mail notice, please meet in B220 at 12:30.
  4. If you still did not pay the tuition fee, please pay it at the school office tomorrow. Please login to your account in our school website and check whether you still have due to pay. If you have questions regarding your balance, please also report to the school office or e-mail to For refund, please put your name and family ID to the office. We will provide refund checks together.
  5. We are contacting the Fire Marshall of SCSU to organize a safety education session and a fire drill. Before that, please teach your child(ren) for the safety and EXITs near his/her classrooms.

See your tomorrow afternoon.


See you tomorrow.

Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School




  1. 学校将从9月26日起关闭家长注册改课系统,需要调课、注册、加课的家庭,请抓紧时间。请大家务必到学校网站上查看春季选课的情况,我们发现许多家庭文化课只注册了秋季课程,如果你只希望孩子秋季试试,那不需要改动,如果因为疏忽而没有选春季的课,请现在加上,到了春季开学,学校没有精力和人手再进行又一轮注册。
  2. 请登录你的学校帐户,检查一下你的付费记录,如果你还有未付款项,请这个星期带支票到学校付款,尤其是错过享受免注册费的和可能被学校收迟交学费罚款的家庭,请补上应交款项。如果因为退课或其他的原因,学校须退款的家庭,这部分款项可以作为以后的学费使用,也可以要求学校退款,需要退款的家庭,请周日到学校办公室登记一下,我们将在有了出具支票的权力以后,为你开具退款支票。如果你希望把剩余款项捐赠给学校,也请到办公室登记一下,学校到时统一出具免税收据,供你报税使用。
  3. 需要交费的家庭,请在星期天2:00-3:00或4:00-5:00到学校办公室缴费,其他时间学校管财务的同事将接待老师的买卖书本款项结算,恕不接待家长。
  4. 未注册或未获学校行政书面同意听课的学生,将不允许在教室听课。如果发现,学校将要求该学生缴纳该课程的学费,并可能加收罚款。
  5. PTA 2:30开始将在餐厅举行庆中秋活动,欢迎大家参加。请家长照顾好自己的孩子,尤其是有食物过敏的孩子远离可能引起过敏的食物。
  6. 学校预留了C010作为开会活动应急等用途,需要安静看书的家长,请自行前往,不要在该教室聊天喧哗,请自觉遵守。
  7. 请家长教育自己的孩子注意安全,学校许多设施是为大学生设计,没有为未成年人考虑,许多可能的安全隐患,加上学校没有人力面面俱到,还请家长教育好自己的孩子。
  8. Bulldog SAT Verbal课程本周还是在B220集中上课,下周开始分成两个班。
  9. 如果你对学校的发展有任何建议,请和我们联系。



Announcement Sept 24, 2016: online registration will be closed

Dear SCCS members,

  1. The last day for you to modify your registered courses is Sept 25. We will close the system for parents to modify from Sept 26. If you want to register a new course, switch a course or cancel a course, please do so before we close the system. We found many students only register enrichment courses for Fall semester. If this is your intention, please ignore this. Otherwise, please add the course to your Spring semester. We will not have manpower to handle your request again in the Spring semester.
  2. Please login to your online account and check your balance, especially for the incurred registration or late fee, membership fee. If you still have balance to pay, please bring a check this Sunday. If you have credit, we have several options for you: if you want the school to refund you, please let the office manager to record your request. We will issue refund check as soon as we can issue checks. If you want to use the credit for the future tuition fee, you do not need to do anything. If you want to donate the credit to school, please also record your intention in the school office. We will issue a tax-deductible receipt for you when we have time.
  3. The financial team will be in the office for the following period: 2:00-3:00 and 4:00-5:00.
  4. Without registration or written permit from administration team, no student will be allowed to sit in classroom. Otherwise, you will be charged the tuition fee for the class as well as penalty.
  5. PTA will host a mid-autumn celebration this Sunday at the cafeteria. For those children who might be allergic to food, please avoid contacting food.
  6. The school reserved C010 for school activities. You can use the room if we do not have activities. Please keep quiet in that room.
  7. Safety: please remind your child(ren) that the safety is all the highest priority. The school facility was designed for university students, not for elementary students. Educate your child(ren) to be aware of the potential risk.
  8. Bulldog SAT verbal will be at room B220. Next week, we will split the class into two.
  9. If you have any suggestion to the school, please contact us.
  10. See you this Sunday at SCCS.


    See you tomorrow.

    Junqi Ding


    Junqi Ding, PhD
    Southern Connecticut Chinese School





  1. 会员大会,补选理事,普通会员有投票权利,详情请参考童戟理事长的通知。
  2. 明天的注册、收费地点还是在 B-wing 餐厅对面的走廊。教务长也将在那里安排新注册同学的分班。
  3. 文化课开始,Bulldog 提供的 SAT verbal 以及 Youth Public Speaking 两门课12:35开始,请注意时间和其他课程不同。目前还有一门文化课“中文才艺表演课”没到最低开课人数,学校允许学生和家长前去试听。如要试听其他课,可到注册的地方申请教务长的书面许可。
  4. 有几个班级由于注册人数太多,学校对教室做了调整,下面几个班级受到影响,请各位家长到学校网页查询。
    • Chinese 8-1
    • Chinese 9
    • Chinese 10
    • Chinese AP
    • Adult Chinese 1
    • Adult Chinese 2
    • Drawing for beginners
    • Intermediate/advanced drawing
    • acrylic painting
    • computer programming
    • Introduction of Creative programming
    • AMC10
    • Math 7/8
    • SAT Math
  5. 学生个人的HSK考试报告可到注册处找李品侠取。
  6. 学校注册系统对文化课的注册是分学期进行的,我们发现许多学生只注册了秋季课程,春季课程未注册,如果你不能确定,请登录网站确定一下,有些课程到时不一定能有足够名额。
  7. 目前收到的付款已经反映在学校网站上,请每一个家庭登录自己的帐号,查询有没有应交款项,如有错漏,请明天到注册处让工作人员协助解决。
  8. 学生志愿者报名请发送电邮到。学校将进行统一安排。
  9. 除特殊需要外,学校仅允许Room Parents在教室协助教师。未经学校允许的家长,不得留在教室。
  10. 请家长送孩子的时候,注意一下紧急出口,我们已经通知每个老师紧急情况下疏散安排,学校争取本学期和南康大学安排进行一项紧急疏散演习。




Sept 17, 2016 : 2nd Week School, All Classes Start

Dear all SCCS members,

The following are the arrangement for tomorrow:

  1. General member meeting will be held tomorrow to elect a new board director. Please refer to Mr. Michael Tong's e-mail for detail.
  2. The on-site registration, payment collection tables will locate in the hallway opposite to the Cafeteria located in the middle of B-wing.
  3. All enrichment classes will begin. Please be aware of the special time (12:35-) for the following two courses: SAT verbal and Youth public speaking.
  4. We adjusted some classrooms. Please pay attention to the following courses:
    • Chinese 8-1
    • Chinese 9
    • Chinese 10
    • Chinese AP
    • Adult Chinese 1
    • Adult Chinese 2
    • Drawing for beginners
    • Intermediate/advanced drawing
    • acrylic painting
    • computer programming
    • Introduction of Creative programming
    • AMC10
    • Math 7/8
    • SAT Math
  5. You can get the HSK test score card from Pinxia in the registration desk.
  6. Some students only registered the enrichment courses for Fall semester. If this is your intention, just ignore this. Otherwise, please login to your online account to make sure your registration also includes Spring semester.
  7. All payments we received are posted to your account in our website. Please make sure that your payment and balance are right. If there is any issue, please come to the registration desk to help you to solve it.
  8. Please send your information to if you want to be a volunteer, especially for high schoolers.
  9. No parent except the room parents is allowed to stay in classrooms when a class is in session.
  10. Please pay attention to the emergency exits when you walk in the building. We will arrange a fire drill after we arrange with SCSU.

See you tomorrow.

Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

Announcement on Sept 10, 2016:南康中文2016年秋新开文化课


为满足大家的需求,我校新开两门文化课,供大家选择:/two more enrichment courses
【EATP1】Chinese Talent Performance (中文才艺表演课) (2:25-3:10)
【EHZU1】Zumba for Adults (1:30-2:15)


【EATP1】Chinese Talent Performance (中文才艺表演课) (2:25-3:10)

为了更好地辅助高年级的学生们学习中文,南康中文学校将在本学期试行增加《中文才艺表演课》。本课由我校现任美术老师、原中国中央电视台文艺中心编导张小安 和富有在美文艺活动经验的刘蓉老师共同执教,主要课程有中文标准朗读、诗歌朗诵、演讲、歌曲演唱、中文短剧表演、形体训练及礼仪主持等。 本课授课采用分组教学,单独辅导和集体排练相结合的方式进行。学生们通过因材施教的专业训练后可以提高公共场合表现能力,运用所学的中文,深入了解中国文化,并有机会参加中文学校的中国节日文艺演出、本地公立学校中文教育口语示范演出、本地公益演出等文艺活动,在展现中华文化丰富多彩的内容的同时逐步扩大、增强大纽海文地区华人的社会影响力。
为了保证教学质量,发现学生特长,便于任教老师了解学生的兴趣和中文能力,张小安老师和刘蓉老师将于 9 月 11 日下午 2 点 20 分在 A117 和已报名的及感兴趣的学生及其家长面谈。学生可以准备一个小表演,例如讲个小故事或个人才艺表演(限时 2 分钟左右)。届时欢迎学生和家长到场。

In order to help high school students to learn Chinese better, we will offer the “Chinese Talent Performance" course at SCCS this year. This course will be co-taught by our current art teacher, former director of CCTV Arts Center, ZHANG Xiao’an and our new art teacher, an active performer in shows and public events in US, LIU Rong (Ivy). The curriculum of this course includes reciting in Mandarin Chinese, poetry readings, public speaking in Chinese, singing, Chinese drama performances, figure training, and emceeing. The course features teaching with each student’s aptitude. The students will get experience and improvement in different aspects, and have opportunities to perform in SCCS Chinese New Year Gala, to demonstrate spoken Chinese in local public schools, and to join public performances and other cultural events. The social impact in Greater New Haven area by showing the variety of Chinese culture is forseenable.
In order to ensure the quality of teaching and identify the students’ talent, the teachers will meet the registered and interested students on September 11th, at 2:20 pm, in room A117. The students can prepare a short performance, such as telling a story or showing a talent (limit 2 minutes).

【EHZU1】Zumba for Adults (1:30-2:15)

Zumba(尊巴)是一种健康时尚的健身课程,它将音乐与动感易学的动作还有间歇有氧运动融合在了一起。Zumba是能让人摆脱烦恼与枯燥的快乐运动。任何人只需要跟着节拍就能自然地做动作, 舞步简单、有趣、易学。 尊巴是由舞蹈演变而来的一种健身方式,难度并不是很大,也不需要任何拉丁舞蹈基础,对舞步的完成质量没有特别要求。Zumba较大强度的运动对减肥、塑身有较好效果。
Zumba is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness which moves millions of people towards joy and health. Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. Because the Zumba program is low-impact, it is sage for all ages.
For Zumba performance by our members in Chinese Gala, you can watch the following Youtube video


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School




  1. 中文学校开学时间:9月11日,1:30-5:10
  2. 开学第一天,只开中文课(含AP及成人中文),所有文化课9月18日开始。
  3. 书本学校已经订好,任课老师会和大家联系,告诉大家课本的费用,请准备好现金或支票(Make payable to SCCS),低年级的同学,最好请家长到教室付款并领书。
  4. 由于注册情况的不可预知,有的班级超员,而有的班级注册不足,学校致力于小班教育,一个班级学生多了,不仅学生参与的机会减少,而且老师的负担也增大,请家长先自行调整,如果到时不同班级的人数还是不太平衡,学校有权调整学生到不同的班级。
  5. 学校办公室设在Engleman Hall的A107房间。
  6. 我们将在ENGLEMAN HALL的小餐厅(cafeteria)对面设立注册处。
    - 如果您已经将付款清单(Payment Voucher)及支票寄给了我们,谢谢你的信任和支持;
    - 如果您已经完成网上注册但还未付学费,请将付款清单(Payment Voucher)事先打印出来,连同支票一起交给负责注册的工作人员,支票上一定要写好你的Family ID。付款清单上可以查到你的family ID。
    - 如果您开设了中文学校帐户但是还未进行网上注册, 请记下您的Family ID 和Student ID, 我们可以为您现场注册;
    - 如果您是新成员还没有开设了中文学校帐户,不必担心,我们的工作人员将会现场帮助您完成课程的注册。
  7. 查看行车路线、停车场、教室安排,请参考上面提到的PDF文件。



SCCS Announcement Sept 9, 2016

Dear all,

Welcome back to our Chinese School. The school will start the coming Sunday at 1:30.

  1. School starts at 1:30, September 11, at Engleman Hall, SCSU.
  2. Only Chinese language class (including AP and Chinese for Adults) will begin this Sunday. Enrichment class will start next Sunday.
  3. Textbook information will be provided by each teacher in the Chinese language class. Please prepare a check (make payable to SCCS) or cash. For younger children, we suggest that parents pay and get the textbook in the classroom for your children.
  4. There are some unevenness for the multiple classrooms for the same level. We want to maintain the small classroom so every student will get enough attention. Please adjust yourself first. It is the school right to adjust students to different classrooms.
  5. Office will be in A107.
  6. For registration, we set up registration tables in the Hallway facing to the Cafeteria in the middle of B-wing.
    - If you have already mailed payment voucher and check, you can simply skip this step. Almost 200 families have registered and paid during the summer, we would like to express our deep gratitude for your generous support!
    - If you have registered classes online but haven't made the payment, please print out the payment voucher and bring it with the check to the registration table. Do not forget to put your family ID on your check;
    - If you have an account but haven't registered classes, please make sure to get your Family ID and Student ID numbers. It will make the registration process much easier;
    - If you are new to our school and haven't set up an account, don't worry, our staff will help you get registered.
  7. For directions of the school, classroom, parking, etc, please download the pdf file mentioned above.

We are looking forward to a fruitful year. See you this Sunday.

Junqi Ding


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

Announcement Sept 3,2016-Add New Class


Youth Public Speaking 1 ("Grade 4-6", "Class Code": ELPS1), 由于老师时间安排上的问题,我们将这门课 (从原先的时间段1:30-2:15pm)移到12:35开始, 如果你已经注册了这门课,应该收到我们的通知。如果你还没有注册,请抓紧时间网上注册。

另外,很高兴地向大家报告,我们为年龄6-10岁的孩子开设了一门电脑编程入门 (3:30-4:15pm),下面是课程简介,如果你需要更多地了解 Scratch,请参考网站
课程代码 ELCS2:Scratch编程寓教于乐,学生在动手制作他们喜欢的动画时,学习了编程思想,锻炼了分析问题、解决问题的能力。学生自带电脑或IPad,网络环境下可使用Scratch在线编辑功能,无网络时可以使用预装的离线版本。

We open a course for young students (6-10 years old): Introduction to Creative programming.
The following is the brief introduction.

Class Code ELCS2: This is a basic entry level programming course. It will help the students to build a basic conception of programming when they later move onto real-world programming.A simple programming language, Scratch, will be introduced to the class. Students can create a big range of projects, from computer-generated art and animated cartoons to quizzes and puzzles. No previous programming experience is required. Students can create animated graphics and sound in a few minutes. They can see pretty good results almost instantly. Furthermore, the students can participate in the online community for Scratch. They can remix projects, ideas, images, or anything else they find on Scratch, and everyone can use anything that others shared.

For more information about Scratch, please visit the website:

Requirements: Age 6-10, need to bring ipad, PC, or Mac

In addition, Youth Public Speaking 1 ("Grade 4-6", "Class Code": ELPS1), will change from original schedule 1:30-2:15pm to 12:35-1:20pm due to the issue of teacher availability. If you already choose the class, you should receive our e-mail. If you want to register, please do so sooner.

Best wishes,

Junqi Ding
Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School




相信大家正在渡过一个愉快的暑假。时光飞逝,转眼新学年就要来到,经过新一届行政团队的积极努力, 我校网上注册将于八月一日晚上10时正式开放, 请点击以下链接进行注册: 会员登录

如果您是新会员,请先在网上开设帐户, 然后再按照提示的步骤完成课程的注册。如有问题,请及时与我们的IT工作人员联系, 他们的电子邮箱是 您完成网上注册之后,请将支票连同注册清单(payment voucher)一起寄到如下地址:

Southern Connecticut Chinese School
P.O. Box 8296
New Haven, CT 06530


新学年的校历已经放在学校的网站上 2016-2017 学校日历,下学期9月11日开学。


原来由第三方提供的课程:如果乐团、Bulldog SAT、成人太极等等,行政团队已将具体建议报送理事会,待理事会决定后告知大家。

再一次感谢大家长期以来对南康中文学校的大力支持。 中文学校的全体教职员工期待与大家共同渡过一个充实愉快 的新学年!



SCCS Online Registration Starts Aug 1

→ 2016 Fall 1st Day of School Guide (2016秋开学指南) ←

Dear Members of the SCCS Community,

I hope you and your family are having an exciting, safe and relaxing summer. After a lot of hard work from our new administration team, the online registration for the 2016-17 school year will be available to our members at 10pm, August 1st. Please log in using this link:Member Login

If you forget your log-in ID and/or password, you can either click on the retrieve link on the log-in page or send an email to IT Support. If your family does not have an online account, please click "register" on the log-in page to register a parent to the school, then add in other family members once the parent's account is approved. Once you complete online registration, please remember to mail your payment (check only) with the printed payment voucher to the following address:

Southern Connecticut Chinese School
P.O. Box 8296
New Haven, CT 06530

We highly encourage you to register as soon as possible since spaces are very limited for some of the classes. You will also enjoy a registration fee waiver if you register AND make payment by August 31 (postmarked).

In order to meet different needs of our students and parents, this semester we also will be offering some new courses, such as, figure training for parents and children, Chinese recital, Acrylic painting and AMC-10. Please check our website for details.

Regarding the courses provided by third vendors, such as Symphony, Bulldog SAT, Taichi, etc, the administration team has submitted a proposal to the School Board. As soon as we get the decision from the Board, we will inform you.

Thank you for your continuous support to our school. My colleagues and I are excited to spend another fun and rewarding year together with you and your child.

Look forward to seeing you all in September!

Warm Regards,

Junqi Ding