Southern Connecticut Chinese School

SCCS 2017-2018 Announcements

SCCS Announcements in 2016-2017

[SCCS]10/13/17:no school this coming sunday, class for choir is open for registration


1.由毕业于四川音乐学院、中国音乐学院的曾珊珊老师开设的唱歌课22日开始上课,地点B125,目前共开3节课:1:30-2:15, 4:25-5:10为两节儿童唱歌课,3:30-4:15为成人唱歌课。本学期一节课只收学费50元,曾老师除了曾在国内担任专业演员,还有在芝加哥担任“华星儿童合唱团”指导老师、并在“希林西北中文学校”教授儿童及成人声乐课的经验。如果你需要报名,请填写下面的表格



3.21日晚7:30,将在耶鲁大学Woolsey Hall举办新诗百年回顾诗歌朗诵会,有多名知名的播音员、演员参与演出,22日下午,整个演出团队将到中文学校进行交流,请留意通知。






Dear SCCS members,

SCCS will not have class in the coming Sunday (Oct 15) due to the open house event of SCSU. We will resume the school on Oct 22.

1. We are starting children choir and adult choir course from Oct 22. The time for the choirs are: 1:30-2:15, 4:25-5:10: Children choir; 3:30-4:15: Adult choir. Please fill the online form to register at the following link:

2. The students in the class of "Chinese in America, Discussion Panels" will have a field trip to Museum of Chinese Americans in NYC this coming Sunday. Let's wish them a great and safe trip. Thanks to support from MOCA.

3. "Listening To Poetry - Echoes of Civilization" will be at Woolsey Hall at 7:30 of Oct 21. Several famous commentators, actors and actresses from China will come to perform. On Oct 22, they will come to SCCS. Please attend the performance if you have time.

4. The SCSU Track and Field is sponsoring a 5K run on Saturday, October 21st. To register for the race:

5. Thanks to the work by Dr. Ying Jiang, the office manager, the safety patrol is going well. Please login to your account in school website to check your patrol schedule. Send e-mail to if you have any question.

6. If you still have tuition fee due, please make payment to the office on Oct 22. Pay attention to the e-mail from If you have credit, the default option is to keep it as credit for further use. If you want to get refund, login to school website and make choice under "payment history" menu. To do nothing is considered as keeping the credit for next school year.

See you on Oct 22.

[SCCS]10/06/17: 学生拼字比赛等


2.学校为了更好地和会员交流,特开通Google Group,你如果没有收到Google group的信函,说明你的e-mail地址可能没有成功加入,请和 联系。

3.学校财务将清理本学期还有应交款未交的家庭,具体的算法是:除去会员费、值班押金、注册费(8月31日之前缴费的家庭免注册费)以外,所缴的费用一定要足够本学期的学费,没有及时缴够的家庭,将按迟缴费一样处理,加收注册费,希望欠费家庭配合。如果你多缴了费用,学校网上应该显示credit,你可以登录你的帐号,选择Billing and Payment History,最下面会有4种选择,最简单的办法是将credit留在学校(你什么都不需要做),下一年注册的时候会自动用在你们的学费上。

4.10月21日7:30由著名播音员方明、薛飞、李立宏、徐涛,演员杜宁林、于同云等参与演出的《聆响行歌》新诗百年诗歌朗诵将在耶鲁大学Woolsey Hall举行,演出免费入场。22日下午主要演员将到中文学校和大家见面,具体的安排将另行通知。22日晚6时将在Milford Boston Post Mall里的The Buffet Palace (1201 Boston Post Rd #1200, Milford, CT 06460)晚宴,目前还有30个座位供中文学校会员报名参与,每位$25,如果你有兴趣参加,请携带支票到办公室报名(non refundable),先到先得。



  • 10月22日上课时间进行初赛。事先找好两位家长担任裁判,并记录时间和成绩。
  • 在 对应的年级字库里随机抽取10个字,参赛者正确说出读音并组词(或造句),认读汉字最多的人获胜。
  • 如用该年级字库无法决出名次时,可启用下一年级字库,比如六年级先用五年级的字库,然后可用四年级字库、三年级字库,依此类推)
  • 10人以下的班级取前两名,10人以上班级取前三名。每班可再选取一名作为替补(如果决赛的时候选手没有出现,那么替补可以上台参加比赛)
  • 如果名次并列,可随机选字,并列者轮流认读,先认不出汉字的落选。
  • 10月29日将举行年级比赛,具体安排另行通知。


  • 班内初赛:所有参赛者而未得名次的奖励10 points
  • 年级决赛:参加未进入前三名者奖励 50 points。 胜出者奖励:年级第一名:$30,第二名:$20,第三名:$10.



南康中文学校校长 丁俊琪

Dear SCCS members,

1. We will have regular school this coming Sunday (Oct 8). Next Sunday (Oct 15), we will not have chinese school due to the open house for SCSU.

2. To enhance the communication between school and members, we open a Google Group. You should receive a verification e-mail from the group. If you did not, please contact as soon as possible. It is very important for us to have an effective method to communicate.

3. The school finance group will contact these families who still owe school tuition fee for this semester. The way to calculate whether you still owe the school tuition fee is that after we take off the membership fee, registration fee and safety deposition from your payment, whether you have sufficient fund to cover the tuition fee for this semester. If you overpaid the school, your account should show that you have credit in the school. The best way is to do nothing so we will leave the credit for next year. If you want to get refund check or donate the credit to school, you can login to your account and choose the menu: Billing and Payment History. In the last few lines in the page, you should have 4 options. Choose one so the finance group can process your request.

4. At 7:30 pm of Oct 21, there will be a poem recital in Woolsey Hall. The commentators, actors and actresses from China will perform there. The event is open to public with free admission. In the afternoon of Oct 22, the group will come to SCCS. The detail will be followed. In the evening of Oct 22, we will have dinner with these commentators, actors and actresses in the The Buffet Palace of Boston Post Mall, Milford. We have 30 seats for SCCS members with $25/seat. If you want to join the dinner with the guests from China, please bring a check to school office. The payment is non-refundable.

5. The Chinese spelling bee competition will held in Oct 22 and 29. This is the competition for the students in Grade 3 to 7 of heritage class. If any student in the non-heritage class wants to join the competition, please contact me directly. We will place you to the classroom of the same grade with minimal student numbers. The requirement is the same as for heritage students. If you want to know more about the competition rule, please refer the no 5 in the Chinese version above.

6. We will have different competitions for other graders. Stay tuned.

7. If you finish the online survey regarding the Children Choir, you should receive my e-mail regarding the meeting this Sunday (2:45-3:15 in Rm A109). 

See you this Sunday.

Spelling bee competition, etc

Dear SCCS members,

1. We will have regular school this coming Sunday (Oct 8). Next Sunday (Oct 15), we will not have chinese school due to the open house for SCSU.

2. To enhance the communication between school and members, we open a Google Group. You should receive a verification e-mail from the group. If you did not, please contact as soon as possible. It is very important for us to have an effective method to communicate.

3. The school finance group will contact these families who still owe school tuition fee for this semester. The way to calculate whether you still owe the school tuition fee is that after we take off the membership fee, registration fee and safety deposition from your payment, whether you have sufficient fund to cover the tuition fee for this semester. If you overpaid the school, your account should show that you have credit in the school. The best way is to do nothing so we will leave the credit for next year. If you want to get refund check or donate the credit to school, you can login to your account and choose the menu: Billing and Payment History. In the last few lines in the page, you should have 4 options. Choose one so the finance group can process your request.

4. At 7:30 pm of Oct 21, there will be a poem recital in Woolsey Hall. The commentators, actors and actresses from China will perform there. The event is open to public with free admission. In the afternoon of Oct 22, the group will come to SCCS. The detail will be followed. In the evening of Oct 22, we will have dinner with these commentators, actors and actresses in the The Buffet Palace of Boston Post Mall, Milford. We have 30 seats for SCCS members with $25/seat. If you want to join the dinner with the guests from China, please bring a check to school office. The payment is non-refundable.

5. The Chinese spelling bee competition will held in Oct 22 and 29. This is the competition for the students in Grade 3 to 7 of heritage class. If any student in the non-heritage class wants to join the competition, please contact me directly. We will place you to the classroom of the same grade with minimal student numbers. The requirement is the same as for heritage students. If you want to know more about the competition rule, please refer the no 5 in the Chinese version above.

6. We will have different competitions for other graders. Stay tuned.

7. If you finish the online survey regarding the Children Choir, you should receive my e-mail regarding the meeting this Sunday (2:45-3:15 in Rm A109). 

See you this Sunday.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]9/29/17: 中秋庆祝活动、申请大学讲座、儿童合唱




月饼品尝(第一轮): 2:00-2:30

才艺比赛优胜者表演: 2:30-3:00

月饼品尝(第二轮): 3:15-3:45




你想了解申请大学要注意什么吗?过来人将为你详解。毕业于哈佛大学、剑桥大学、目前就读于耶鲁法学院的Julia Wang,以及毕业于Pomona College、现就读耶鲁法学院的Kathy Lu将一起和你分享她们申请大学的体会,并就大家关心的问题一起探讨。

时间:3:30-4:30, Sunday, 10/1/2017

地点:A120 (A-wing和B-wing中间的阶梯教室)



南康中文学校计划开设儿童声乐课程,由毕业于四川音乐学院、中央音乐学院的曾珊珊老师任教,曾珊珊毕业于四川音乐学院声乐系,中国音乐学院声歌系,Harper college 音乐系。赴美前任内蒙古消防总队文工团独唱演员。多次在全国及各省市比赛中获奖,曾获第九届“步步高杯”全国青年歌手电视大奖赛民族组“银屏奖”;三次获内蒙古自治区歌手大赛及情歌大赛民族组一等奖;一次获四川省歌手大赛民族组第二名;参加中央电视台公安部“春节联欢晚会”,中央电视台“心连心”艺术团,大连电视台国际服装节及北京电视台元旦晚会等上百场大型歌舞晚会的演出。拍摄音乐电视《鄂伦春哟,森林的魂》。演唱之余一直从事声乐教学工作,教授学生正确的歌唱技巧,科学的发声方法及音乐理论知识。在十余年的教学工作中爱学生,尊重学生,细致认真,耐心严谨,教学经验丰富,注重因材施教。所教学生多次荣获中国“十佳”歌手称号,肯塔基州声乐比赛第二名,“水立方杯”海外华人中文歌曲大赛芝加哥赛区“儿童组"冠军,“青年组”第六名及“成人组”第六名。曾任历届肯塔基大学歌手大赛评委,“水立方杯”海外华人中文歌曲大赛芝加哥赛区评委。担任芝加哥“华星儿童合唱团”指导老师,并在“希林西北中文学校”教授儿童及成人声乐课,根据儿童和成人的个性和特点来制定教学课程。课程借鉴传统的教学方法,遵循个人特质的学习模式,以听唱动看模的形式进行,通过独特的声乐训练,教授学生初步掌握演唱的能力,快速的掌握声乐呼吸,演唱技巧,并在演唱歌曲中实际应用。在教学过程中,强调表演实践,带领的“华星儿童合唱团”参加了“纪念孙中山诞辰100周年大型文艺晚会”“北京丝竹乐团春节晚会”“fashion outlet of Chicago New Year's celebration","Global Arts Festival in Bartlett","希林灯节”等大型文艺晚会,小朋友们精彩的演唱受到了芝加哥社区的高度赞扬。




2017年南康中文学校 三年级到七年级中文识字竞赛



竞赛内容: 各年级所学过的汉字(如四年级学生学过的汉字包括现在学的和以前一二三年级学的)
(各年级所学汉字的字库已由热心家长夏泽华输入 Quizlet,网址如下:




学校课程试课报名已经截止,如果你没有报名,未经学校办公室同意或当班room parent,将不准在教室停留。除了任课老师点名以外,学校也将不定期抽查点名,如果发现未报名或没有学校允许而在教室的学生,学校除收取该门课程的学费以外,还将处以罚金,请自觉遵守学校规章注册并缴纳学费,尊重老师的劳动。谢谢。



Celebrate the Moon Festival, Seminar on College Application and survey for Children's Choir

Dear SCCS members,

1. Celebration of Moon Festival:

The Moon Festival is coming and PTA will celebrate the festival this Sunday. Here are the arrangement:

Venue: Cafeteria, Middle of B-Wing

2:00-2:30: Taste of Mooncake (first run)

2:30-3:00: Performance by the winners of the talent show in the Spring Semester

3:15-3:45: Taste of Mooncake (second run)

Thanks to all volunteers and PTA. They started to plan the celebration from the summer. Hope you will enjoy it.


2. Seminar on College Application:

Navigating college applications can be challenging, especially for second-generation Chinese Americans whose parents did not attend college in the U.S. What are colleges looking for? How do you help your child prepare themselves for the American college application process? What kind of skills do they need to develop to prepare for their future? Yale Law School students Kathy Lu and Julia Wang are here to share their insights as Chinese American students who successfully navigated the process. The panel will focus on finding the right personal statement topic, presenting a unique voice, and putting the best foot forward. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions about the college application process and preparing your children to be confident and successful leaders and critical thinkers.

Time: 3:30-4:30

Venue: A120 (the lecture hall between A and B wings)


3. Survey for the Children's Choir and Vocal training:

SCCS plans to open a class for the Children's choir and Vocal Training. Students can learn Chinese songs by a professional teacher: Ms. Shanshan Zeng. Ms. Zang graduated from Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and Harper College. She was a professional singer in China and won a lot of prestige awards. She was teaching in a Chinese School in Chicago before moving to New Haven area. Her resume can be found in the Chinese version above. If you want to know her more, please contact me directly.

We want to start the course from October 21 and continue to the end of the school year if we have more than 8 students. The tuition fee will be $50 for this semester and $100 for next semester. If you are interested in registering your child(ren), please finish the survey by October 6. We will contact you if we have enough students to open the course.


4. The Chinese vocabulary competition (grade 3-7):

SCCS will organize 2017 Chinese vocabulary competition for heritage classes from grade 3 to 7. The detailed rules will be followed in my e-mail next week. If you want to get more information about the competition, please refer the Chinese version above.


5. Attendance:

The shopping period for courses was end. Anyone without registration or permission from office (except the on-duty room parents) will not be allowed to sit in the classroom. The teacher for each course will have attendance sheet. And the school office will occasionally check the attendance for some courses. If someone is not registered or does not have permission but sits in the classroom, he/she will be asked to pay the tuition fee plus the penalty. Thanks for your corporation.


See you Sunday.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]9/22/2017: The store will open this Sunday and other activities






  • K1,K2: 1:50-2:05
  • first grade non-heritage: 1:40-1:50
  • Class 1.1, 1.4: 2:40-2:50
  • Class 1.2 and 1.3: 2:50-3:00,





今年还剩3个多月了,大家如需要做税务规划,请考虑给中文学校捐款,学校是IRS注册的503(c)3的非营利组织,你的捐赠可以免税,有的公司还会match你的捐赠。另外,如果你常用Amazon购物,请选用Amazon Smile,并选定中文学校为你的指定捐赠对象,你购物的价格并不会增加,但你的每次购物,Amazon都会给中文学校捐赠1%。你可以从下面的地址进入Amazon,也可以从学校网站首页右边的链接进入:





喜欢中国文化尤其是诗歌的朋友请注意了,10月21日(星期六)晚7:30将在耶鲁大学Woolsey Hall有免费的《聆响·行歌》演出,在中国新诗诞生百年之际,《聆响·行歌》将带给你“世纪回眸——中国新诗百年音乐朗诵会”,除了《聆响·行歌》品牌发起人徐涛、常务理事方明、薛飞,李立宏外,还有国家一级演员于同云、杜宁林、张琳、龚华的加盟演出。下面是几位主要演员简介,详情请参考近期微信群的更新。

播音界的一代原老方明先生曾先后承担了陈毅、周恩来、毛泽东等领导人治丧期间的主要播音任务,多次参加了天安门国庆游行和阅兵实况转播工作。《聆响·行歌》音乐朗诵会的发起人徐涛毕业于中央戏剧 学院导演系,从1984年开始从事语言及配音工作。 1998年正式走上朗诵舞台。 徐涛富有磁性的男中音,华美、浑厚、富有通透力和男性魅力 ,他为《见字如面》呈现了最好的朗读者和声音。《聆响·行歌》音乐朗诵会主要成员薛飞是也是观众熟悉和热爱的语言表演艺术家。他毕业于北京广播学院新闻系播音专业,曾是家喻户晓的中央电视台《新闻联播》的播音员,给那一代的中国人心里留下了深刻的记忆。《舌尖上的中国》风靡大街小巷的时候,为影片担任解说的著名配音李立宏的声音也深入了每个观众的心,这次他也参加在耶鲁的演出;活跃在影视舞台的杜宁林,曾凭借《葫芦女人和井》狗剩儿媳妇这一角色获得第11届“飞天奖”最佳女配角的提名 ,她还参与多部影视作品的演出;国家一级演员张琳, 曾在六十多部影视剧中饰演重要角色,从事话剧工作超过三十年,曾是中国话剧最高奖“金狮奖”的获得者,并为国内著名动漫《喜羊羊灰太狼》、《樱桃小丸子》配音,相信小朋友们会喜欢。这次朗诵音乐的主持人龚华曾摘得第十九届环球夫人大赛的中国冠军的桂冠,头戴全球夫人亚军、环球夫人大赛形象大使的光环的她也拥有一副美丽的声音。



[SCCS]9/22/2017: The store will open this Sunday and other activities

Dear SCCS Members,

Course shopping time ends tomorrow evening


Saturday evening, we will disable the function which allows general member to change registration. Please make the necessary modification before that. From this Sunday, you can only ask the administration team members to add courses for you. To drop a course will not be allowed.

The store will open this Sunday

Thanks to PTA and all volunteers, the school store will open this Sunday from 1:30 to 4:45. Students can exchange goods with earned points. To prevent the younger students from any safety issue during shopping, the school arranges special periods for students from K and first grade. The following are assigned periods:

K1,K2: 1:50-2:05
first grade non-heritage: 1:40-1:50
Class 1.1, 1.4: 2:40-2:50
Class 1.2 and 1.3: 2:50-3:00,

Please help your teachers to chaperon the students. It is also good time to teach students how to use Chinese to shop.

The school still has some T-shirts. The sample will be displayed in the store. Please stop by to make orders. The price is $20/piece.

Support our school

We keep our tuition fee very low to avoid any additional financial burden for our general members. Any support will be helpful. When you plan your tax and donation, please keep our school in your mind. SCCS is an IRS registered 501(c)3 organization. Your donation will be tax deductible. Some companies also match your donation. Please let us know if you need more information on how to support our school.

You can also support us by shopping in Amazon Smile. The school website has the link in the first page (right side under the photos). Or you can go to It will not cost you additional penny to shop but Amazon can donate 1% of your shopping to our school.

Several events in the coming weeks

PTA will celebrate Moon festival on October 1. You will have chance to try the delicious moon cake and watch the performance by the winners in the talent competition. Stay tuned for further communication next week.

There will be no school on October 15 due to the open house day for SCSU. Please mark your calendar.

In the evening of October 21, there will be poem recital in Woolsey Hall. There will be several famous actors and commentators from China to perform. It is an event to celebrate the centennial of the new poem styles in China. To shorten this communication, I am not going to provide the very detailed information here. If you are interested in knowing more about the event, drop me an e-mail and I can send you more information.

Some of actors and commentators will come to SCCS on October 22. More detailed information will be followed.

Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]9/16/17:last day for modifying course selection, Enrichment classes start tomorrow


中文学校文化课(enrichment courses, 非中国语言课)明天开始上课,由Bulldog Tutoring开的SAT verbal课12:35开始上课,其他课1:30、2:25、3:10或4:25开始上课,部分教室有所变动,任课老师应该已经把教室变动的情况通知了班上已经注册了的同学,如果有疑问请参考学校网站上的上课时间和教室。SAT数学课将进行分班考试测验,请同学们按老师的通知准时到相应的教室参加考试。


哈佛大学本科毕业、Gates Scholar,剑桥硕士,目前耶鲁法学院在读的Julia Wang在南康中文学校开设的“在美华人历史”课将会是集历史、英文写作和演讲于一体的课,这门课春季在中文学校试讲以后反响很不错,同时也针对试讲过程中的收集到的建议,进行了修改,比如增加写作、并集体组织参观纽约华人博物馆。这次Julia还把她的同学,同在耶鲁法学院的Kathy Lu邀请过来一起上课,她们两位明年五月就会从法学院毕业。我和Julia多次接触,深深感到她有思想,有抱负,也有行动力。她们都是义务来中文学校教这门课(请注意,所有希望听这门课的学生仍需注册这门课并缴交学费,学费部分将用于不同的活动)。非常欢迎高中同学,尤其是已经不上中文课的同学,这个星期天过来看看。我相信不会让你失望的。Julia说不定成为你孩子的role model和终身的朋友。



[SCCS]9/16/17:last day for modifying course selection, Enrichment classes start tomorrow

Dear SCCS Members,

The enrichment courses will begin tomorrow. SAT Verbal will start at 12:35. Other classes will start at 1:30 or late. There are some changes of classrooms and you should receive the notice from your teacher if your registered class is affected. Please refer the school website for the newest classroom assignment. SAT math will have a placement test tomorrow so please be there on time.

It will be the last day for members to shop classes without penalty tomorrow. You can sit in the enrichment classes you are interested in (not Chinese language classes). If you like, please stop by A107 (office) to add courses and pay your tuition fee. The registration fee will increase to $40 after tomorrow.

The safety patrol was very successful last Sunday. Please check the e-mail from for your schedule. The best way to check your schedule is to login to your account and select My Safety Patrol Schedule. The schedule is set for this semester. If you cannot be here for the particular day assigned, please contact to reschedule.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]09/09/17: 中文学校明天开学


学校将于2017年9月10日(明天)开学,新学年的第一天,只有中文语言课上课(Class code from C00a to C21a),所有文化课(非中文语言课)将在9月17日开始,敬请留意。第一节课1:30开始,请提早到校,预留找教室的时间。

  1. 这个星期天需要值班家长都应该收到系统邮件。家长也可以登陆学校网站,进入自己账号,如果你需要值日,会显示在你的my school patrol schedule 里. 请要值日的家长仔细阅读 safety patrol guidelines (在点进my school patrol schedule. 可以看到链接)

  2. 学校增加一个学前班,有需要的家长可自行注册。还有不少课程仍有余位,欢迎大家试课。尤其是给家长开设的Pi-Yo、瑜伽、Zumba、太极均有足够空间。还要给高中生强烈推荐的是有本科毕业于哈佛、获得Gates Scholar在剑桥取得硕士、现就读于耶鲁法学院的王畅同学开设的在美华人历史专题讨论,也欢迎家长参加,这门课还增加英文写作和演讲的元素,和单纯的写作课不同的地方,就是更注重在对历史或现实进行分析、归纳,并在此基础上书面和口头表达出来。这门课程还会机会参观纽约华人博物馆。我们还将请王畅在十月初开设一次面向家长的讲座,谈怎样申请大学。敬请留意。
  3. 为了方便大家第一天找学校、找教室、加课、减课、缴费等,我们准备了一个说明文件,有一些常用的信息,包括学校地址、停车、缴费等等,请大家下载参考:
  4. 中文学校将不接受现金付款,如果你没有支票,请找人帮助填写支票,支票上请写明Family ID。明天现场付费的家长,请自行打印一份Payment voucher带到学校,如果没有课程增减的话,可以直接将支票交到临时办公的B-wing中厅,无须排队。中文课本将由各个任课老师分发并收费,课本可以接受现金,但将由各班老师统一写支票给学校,课本的收费请留意任课老师发出的通知。有的任课老师还会收少量的材料费,用于打印、复印额外的材料,也请留意各位任课老师的通知。
  5. 学校办公室设在A-107(Engleman Hall),安全值日报到以及问讯、指南可以到办公室。新注册、改课、加课、缴费请到设在B-wing中厅(Student lounge对面)的临时办公桌。



[SCCS]09/09/17: First day of the school year tomorrow

Dear SCCS Members,

The school will start on September 10, 2017 (tomorrow). The first class will begin at 1:30. Please come earlier to avoid any unexpected delay, such as, taking time to find classroom. We will only have Chinese language classes (Class code from C00a to C21a) in the first day of school. All enrichment classes will start on September 17, 2017.

  1. The guideline for Safety Patrol is online. You can find it from the menu: My Safety Patrol Schedule after you login as a parent. You can also view it from the link:
    We encourage parents to finish the patrol duty a whole afternoon. If you have such preference or other requirements, please contact directly.
  2. We add another Kindergarten class due to the over registration of two kindergarten classes. Please find more information in our website.

    We still have openings in some exercise courses: such as Pi-Yo, Zumba, Yoga, and Taiji. Come to have fun when your child(ren) are taken care by our teachers.

    We also want every high school students know that we have a course: Chinese in America, Discussion Panels. The instructor, Julia Wang, is a Harvard graduate, a Gates Scholar, Master from Cambridge and currently a Yale Law School student. She will mix the English writing and public speech in the course. We also plan to have a field trip to MOCA at NYC.

    If you have a high student at home, do not miss the Seminar on college application by Julia Wang early December.
  3. To reduce the hurdle for your first day, especially for these who come to our school the first time, we prepare a pdf file for you:
  4. Textbooks will be distributed in each classroom. You should receive an e-mail from your teacher before Sunday for the detail. The school does not accept cash anymore. If you want to pay cash for textbook, it is acceptable since each teacher will collect them together and write a check to the school. For any payment directly to the school, please be aware that NO CASH policy is strictly enforced.

    Some teachers might need to charge additional material fee. Please refer to the e-mails from your teacher.
  5. The school office will be in Room A-107 (Engleman Hall). It will be the best place for general information and reporting to your patrol duty. We temporarily set up desks in the Hall way of B-wing (opposite to the Cafeteria). You can register, add classes, drop classes, pay bills there. If you can bring a Payment voucher, it will help us to locate your information much fast.

Welcome to SCCS. Let's work together to build a better place for our children and ourselves.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]09/06/17: 呼唤志愿者、开学第一天指南


学校将于2017年9月10日(本周日)开学,新学年的第一天,只有中文语言课上课(Class code from C00a to C21a),所有文化课(非中文语言课)将在9月17日开始,敬请留意。第一节课1:30开始,请提早到校,预留找教室的时间。

  1. 学校呼唤志愿者,尤其是高年级的同学,有意者请上网填写 Google form:


  2. 为了方便大家第一天找学校、找教室、加课、减课、缴费等,我们准备了一个说明文件,有一些常用的信息,包括学校地址、停车、缴费等等,请大家下载参考:
  3. 学校的e-mail常常被不同的邮件服务器延误,尤其是发往yahoo的邮件,经常需要很多时间才能收到,请您及时到学校网页的首页,看学校的最新通知。学校安全值班的邮件会由 safety@ynhchineseschool.org发出,请您将这个地址加到你的联系地址中,这样减少将重要邮件自动当成垃圾信件的可能。
  4. 中文学校将不接受现金付款,如果你没有支票,请找人帮助填写支票,中文课本将由各个任课老师分发并收费,课本可以接受现金,但将由各班老师统一写支票给学校,课本的收费请留意任课老师发出的通知。有的任课老师还会收少量的材料费,用于打印、复印额外的材料,也请留意各位任课老师的通知。
  5. 学校办公室设在A-107(Engleman Hall),安全值日报到以及问讯、指南可以到办公室。新注册、改课、加课、缴费请到设在B-wing中厅(Student lounge对面)的临时办公桌。



[SCCS]09/06/17: Call for volunteers, help tips for the first day

Dear SCCS Members,

The school will start on September 10, 2017 (the coming Sunday). The first class will begin at 1:30. Please come earlier to avoid any unexpected delay, such as, taking time to find classroom. We will only have Chinese language classes (Class code from C00a to C21a) in the first day of school. All enrichment classes will start on September 17, 2017.

  1. The school is calling for volunteers, especially the student volunteers. If you are interested in contributing to the school by volunteering your time, please fill the following Google form:

    SIF is a group who can offer additional tutoring in Chinese for non-heritage students. If you can offer help, please join them. The detail can be found at:

    If you are the person who needs help in Chinese, please refer to the following document:
  2. To reduce the hurdle for your first day, especially for these who come to our school the first time, we prepare a pdf file for you:
  3. Our e-mails sometimes are delayed by different internet and e-mail providers, especially for the accounts in Yahoo. You can always check our newest announcement in the school website homepage.

    The safety patrol assignment is sent out from Please check your e-mail from this address. It will be best practice that you add our e-mail addresses to your contact list to avoid the possibility which our e-mails are thrown to SPAM folder. You can also check your account and select Safety patrol to view your assignment. Usually we only assign 10-20 families for first two weeks.
  4. Textbooks will be distributed in each classroom. You should receive an e-mail from your teacher before Sunday for the detail. The school does not accept cash anymore. If you want to pay cash for textbook, it is acceptable since each teacher will collect them together and write a check to the school. For any payment directly to the school, please be aware that NO CASH policy is strictly enforced.

    Some teachers might need to charge additional material fee. Please refer to the e-mails from your teacher.
  5. The school office will be in Room A-107 (Engleman Hall). It will be the best place for general information and reporting to your patrol duty. We temporarily set up desks in the Hall way of B-wing (opposite to the Cafeteria). You can register, add classes, drop classes, pay bills there.

Welcome to SCCS. Let's work together to build a better place for our children and ourselves.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

[SCCS]07/30/17: 网上注册8月1日开通

南康中文学校2017-18学年9月10日开始上课(文化课9月17日开始),学校校历可以从网上查到。 网上注册8月1日正式开通,如果你已经是中文学校会员,可以直接登录你的帐号,进行网上注册, 并将Payment voucher打印出来,连同支票,寄到学校信箱:

SCCS, PO Box 8296, New Haven, CT 06530.


会员登录链接:SCCS Member Log in
如果你还不是会员或者忘记登录帐号或密码,请参照上面链接中的Login form下方的说明,IT的同事为你准备了一份网上注册指南,你可以从下面的链接: (新)会员指南 下载.
如果还有问题,请发信到 查询。


  1. 学校将恢复家长轮流值班制度,为了能保证值班的顺利进行,学校收取$50的值班押金,学年结束的时候退还给完成了值班的家庭,值班的具体安排和细则将会另行通知。
  2. 学校将采用“无现金”制度,从新的学期开始,学校将执行“无现金”制度,所有的收费将只接受支票付款,这项政策是接受学校内部审计的建议,这不仅是保护学校的资产安全的一个重要举措,也是保证所有会员切身利益的一个措施,希望所有会员配合并遵守。2016-16学年的内部审计报告可以登录到学校网上后查找。2016-17学年的内部审计,将由理事会安排时间,请留意理事会的相关通知。
  3. 收费即时通知系统。从新的学年开始,学费如果入账,你将会收到学校发出的邮件,通知你的支票已经入账,并提醒你的账上余额,如果你寄出了支票两个星期后仍没有收到入账电邮,请及时和 联系。


  1. 《在美华人历史》,由耶鲁大学法学院王畅同学设计并任教的课程(秋季学期),适合高中同学参加,也欢迎成人会员参加,这门课程曾经在春季学期试行,很受同学的欢迎,该课程采用授课和课堂讨论相结合的形式,让同学从历史事实出发,分析问题,同学不仅会从这门课学到在美华人奋斗的历史,而且从中学到分析问题并归纳总结的方法。
  2. HTML和CSS编程,这是超文本标记语言 (HTML)/层叠样式表 (CSS)入门课。本课的主要目的是让学生能够讲述HTML文件的定义, CSS框模型的具体应用,网页是怎样工作的,怎么创建,检查和验证HTML5/CSS3, 以及怎样链接创建的静态网页。由学校IT经理李品侠老师任教,适合中高年级同学。
  3. 健身课程。学校为家长准备了几个健身有关的课,除了太极、瑜伽课以外,另外增加一门健身课,欢迎家长参与。


[SCCS]07/30/17: Online Registration Starts on August 1

SCCS has published its calendar in our website and September 10 will be the first day of the 2017-18 school year. The online registration starts on August 1. If you are SCCS member and have an online account, you can simply login to our system and browser the online catalog, register classes, modify your information, etc. The link for you to login:

If you are not our member yet and do not have an online account, please register yourself first. After your account is approved, you can add your spouse and child(ren) to your family account. To help you understand the procedure of registration, our IT colleagues prepared an instruction. You can find in the following link: New Member Guideline.

If you have any question regarding your online account, please send your request to

After you finish your registration, please print out the payment voucher. Send you check with the payment voucher to the school mailing address:

SCCS, PO Box 8296, New Haven, CT 06530.

Your registration fee will be waived if you mail out your payment by August 31 (post marked). A $30 bank fee will be added to your account for any returned check.

What's new?

  1. SCCS resumes the parent patrol program. Every family has the obligation to participate in the program. To ensure the program is well participated, the school charges a refundable $50 safety patrol deposit. The safety patrol deposit will be returned in May 2018 for these families who finish their patrol assignments. The details of the program will be announced in due course.
  2. SCCS imposes a “No Cash” policy. From now on, SCCS will ONLY accept check. No cash will be accepted. Please be aware that the new policy is the action to protect the school asset and to protect all members’ interest following the suggestion from the internal audit report published in December 2016. The audit report can be found in our website after login.
  3. Payment informing system: when your payment is received and recorded, you will receive an automatic e-mail from our system. Please maintain your valid e-mail address. If you do not receive the notification e-mail in 2 weeks after you mail your payment, please contact directly.

New Course

  1. A survey history course of the Chinese in America Through discussion, lecture, and analytical exercises, students will learn about their predecessors in this country and why this 200+ years of history matters to us today. The course will be taught by two Yale Law School students, who will lead students through discussions and help the students gain analytical, critical thinking and speaking skills. The students are expected to actively participate in discussion and will present a final project on the last day of class. The course is limited to 9th to 12th graders.
  2. Introduction to HTML and CSS This course will introduce the basic concept of HTML5; the predominant markup language of modern web pages, and CSS3; the cascading style sheet language. This is an entry level course for web development. The primary goal of this course is to give students the ability to use HTML and CSS to code a web page, describe what HTML documents are, how to use the CSS Box Model, how a web page works, and how to code, test and validate a web page. At the end of this course, students should be able to use HTML5 and CSS3 to code static web pages and link them together.
  3. Exercise and fitness We have more courses for adult students to exercise. In addition to Taiji, Yoga, we also have a new fitness course.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School