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Sept 20, 2007. Acting Board Announcement

The General Member Meeting will be held on Oct 7, 2007.

For those members who indicated that you can serve in Board and PTO, you will receive an e-mail from Jinhua Sun. There will be a meeting this Sunday (Sept 23) to discuss the issue for Board candidates and PTO leading team. If you do not receive the e-mail from Jinhua Sun, please e-mail him at jin-hua@sbcglobal.net. If you did not indicate in the registration form before but change your mind and want to serve our school, please also e-mail him and attend the meeting this sunday. The detail for the General Member Meeting will be announced after Sept 28, 2007 in this website. We will post the statement from each candidate.

If you did not have chance to read our modified by-law, please do so as soon as possible. Please e-mail your feedback to feedback@ynhchineseschool.org before Oct 2, 2007.

Sept 2, 2007. School Announcement


Dear Parents: (ܶӢĵļҳúӰ)


  • Welcome back for the Fall 2007 semester. The school will start on Sept. 9, at 1:00 pm Englemen Hall (501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT) on SCSU campus, the same location we used last year. Thanks for a team of parent helpers who have helped written this new school web site, we now start to have new platform for school operation and school-parent interaction. Hope you start to browse the new web site and get familiar with it quickly. Please note the web page is still under construction. If you find anything irregular, please report to us.


Please do the following as soon as possible

  • Everyone (both New Students and Return Students) MUST fill an online registration, even though you have done so on the old web site. (Linkע) (ھҳͬѧҲҪ). Some classes will have a student number limit, and we will give priorities to students who have done the online registration.
  • Find your classroom and teacher for this semester (Link, ʦһ)
  • Visit school Calendar part (Link ѧУ)


Classes we are to offer

         Language course Level 1-9. Tuition:  $100 (Check or cash)

         Art Classes(Will start in the second week. εڶܿʼ)

o       Elementary Art Classes . Fee: $70 (ˬʦRoom B 214)

o       Intermediate Art Classes м. Fee $70 (С. Room B216)

o       Starting level International chess and Chinese Chess. Fee $60 (Ϻ Room 111)

o       Mid-level International chess and Chinese Chess м: Fee $60 (Pending availability of a teacher)

o       Dancing Class ͯ赸$70 (ϼRoom C120, Auditorium stage)

o       Parent Dancingҳ: $50 Room: B 120, pending enrollment. Fee to be paid later, on site


Tuition of both language and art courses could be paid by check or cash, making your check payable to YNH Chinese Schoo.


First Day class һϿ֪

         How to pay (θѧ). This year, we have changed the way of first day operation. Parents, after delivering your children, please go to the cafeteria to pay the fee, instead of paying in classroom as we did in the past. We have several tables to set up there, with parent helpers.

         Textbook Fees ̲ķNew students (һ꼶̲ķ) textbook fee$5 5Ǯ)to be paid together with tuition. Return students will continue to use their unfinished books, and if they need new textbooks, their teachers will inform parents and a textbook fee will be collected by teachers, perhaps after school starts for a few weeks.

         After paying the fee for an art class, you will get a voucher for that art classes, Please bring it to class next week when art classes start.

         We need volunteer helpers for this operation. Please let us know if you are willing to help. ҳ־Ը߰μӡϵjunqi_ding@yahoo.com


Chinese School Parent AssociationѧУҳЭ᣺(New!)

  • Starting this year, each family (regardless of the number of kids) will pay an annual membership fee of $20, which will be used for parent activities and school events related to families.
  • Please pay the membership fee of $20 with the students tuition on the first day of school, at the cafeteria.



Wish you all have a great semester!




IJ ling.mu@yale.edu


@2007, Yale-New-Haven Community Chinese School at SCSU
The Yale-New Haven Community Chinese School at SCSU, Inc. is committed to fulfilling their mission without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, ancestry or disabilities.