2016.12.03:学校邮箱、春晚报名、校刊征稿 -- 2016.12.03:School e-mail accounts, Chinese New Year Gala...
Time: 2016-12-03 11:30:00 -- Number: 253
- 学校通过电邮和各位家长联系,是唯一有效的办法,但我们发现,许多家庭收不到我们的邮件,如果您在学校系统里的地址不正确,请及时更新;也可能许多邮件被邮件管理系统自动分类到垃圾邮件之列,解决此类问题的最佳方式是把下列地址放到你的联系人中: principal@ynhchineseschool.org, support@ynhchineseschool.org, register@ynhchineseschool.org, finance@ynhchineseschool.org, verification@ynhchineseschool.org
如果您使用QQ信箱,最好改成gmail, yahoo或其他邮箱,我们的邮件经常被QQ退回。 - 中文学校2017年春晚,将改到2月5日举行,这次晚会将由PTA和行政团队一起筹备,希望大家一起来把春晚办好。如果你: 有节目想参与春晚,以及/或者愿意为春晚的筹备和举行出一份力 请你到网上填表,节目报名截止时间:12月15日,志愿者报名没有时间限制:https://goo.gl/forms/hcNEpYwssDbQykGz2
- 春晚节目单征求封面设计,欢迎各位同学投稿,要求含中英文"南康中文学校2017年春节晚会“,"2017 SCCS Chinese New Year Gala",选中作品的作者会收到由PTA发给的一份惊喜。未选中作品如果有特色,将发表在校刊增刊。作品请发送到:ypeng77081@yahoo.com.
- 春晚节目单征集广告,中文学校目前超过500多位学生,是康州最大的华人社团,春晚参与者不限于学校会员,广告效果明显,望广大会员积极帮助招募广告。
- 校刊增刊继续征稿;增刊将以电子文件形式发布,主要表现学生日常学习与生活。请各位任课老师收集、汇总自己班级学生的作品。学生家长也可以自行投稿。电子文稿要求以可编辑形式发送,如 MS Office File, OpenOffice File, Google Document, Plain Text File
来稿请送电子邮件到校刊电子邮箱 newsletter@ynhchineseschool.org 。并注明作者联系信息。
Dear All,
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. SCCS will resume tomorrow.
- E-mail is a best way for the school to communicate with you. Unfortunately some members had hard time to get our e-mails. If your e-mail in the school system is not right, please login to make changes. Sometimes our e-mails were put into SPAM folder by some e-mail services. Please check your SPAM folder. To solve the issue, you can add some common e-mail addresses from our school to your contact list: principal@ynhchineseschool.org, support@ynhchineseschool.org, register@ynhchineseschool.org, finance@ynhchineseschool.org, verification@ynhchineseschool.org
For those who are using QQ e-mail account, it is better for you to use different e-mail servers. We occasionally get e-mails bounced by QQ server. - Our annual Chinese New Year Gala will be moved to Feb 5, 2017. Now the committee for the Gala is formed with co-leaders from PTA and Administration team. We need your help. If you: want to perform on the stage, and/or can help in preparation and organization of the Chinese New Year Gala Please register your program or yourself on the following website: https://goo.gl/forms/Kh9OXMZ8Ml2iH8kw1 The deadline for the registration of all performance is Dec. 15. There is no deadline for registering yourself as a volunteer.
- The committee calls for the artwork for the cover of the program booklet for Chinese New Year Gala. There will be a surprise gift for the author whose artwork is selected. The good unused artwork will be published in the supplementary version of School Newsletter. Please send your submission to ypeng77081@yahoo.com
- The booklet also will publish advertisement. The School has more than 500 students and it is the largest Chinese community in Connecticut. The advertisement on the Chinese New Year Gala will be very effective. Please help us to spread the words.
- The Newsletter will have two major parts: main newsletter and supplement. The supplement continues to call for submission. The supplement will be published in electronic version, mainly focus on students learning and daily life.
All articles need to be sent in an editable format, such as MS Office File, OpenOffice File, Google Document, Plain Text File, to newsletter@ynhchineseschool.org by e-mail, with an indication of the author contact information.
Photos need to be sent separately, with a resolution not less than 150DPI, please provide a photo description in the manuscript.
Authors should keep a copy of the manuscript, and please contact with us if haven’t received any editorial reply.
See you tomorrow at Chinese School.
Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School