Celebrate Chinese New Year (2009)
Time: 2009-01-22 22:22:45 -- Number: 84
SCCS will celebrate the Chinese New Year: ʱ (Date/Time): Feb. 8, 2009, Sunday 12:00 C 5:00 pm 12ʱ 5ʱ ص(Location) Hill Regional Career High School, 140 Legion Ave. New Haven, CT 06519 Come to join us and enjoy: *Book Fair, CDs, DVDs; *Art Shows; *Games & Awards; *Raffle Drawing; *Chinese Food; *Chinese Crafts & Gifts; *Dance, GungFu, & Chorus. Free ticket for Member & $5.00/ticket for Non-Member. You can find printable information about the whole program, book fair and the volunteer assignment.