[SCCS]09/06/17: 呼唤志愿者、开学第一天指南
Time: 2017-09-06 11:30:31 -- Number: 190
学校将于2017年9月10日(本周日)开学,新学年的第一天,只有中文语言课上课(Class code from C00a to C21a),所有文化课(非中文语言课)将在9月17日开始,敬请留意。第一节课1:30开始,请提早到校,预留找教室的时间。
- 学校呼唤志愿者,尤其是高年级的同学,有意者请上网填写 Google form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpOBxJy_Ore2NdEcYSLfAXLoF9QI-WrTzcmNpLUQHvW67Y9g/viewform?c=0&w=1
如果你有朋友需要中文辅导,可以参考:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5IOA4YTOBm9ZkQ4MHlacjdheXM/view?ts=59af6501 - 为了方便大家第一天找学校、找教室、加课、减课、缴费等,我们准备了一个说明文件,有一些常用的信息,包括学校地址、停车、缴费等等,请大家下载参考:http://www.ynhchineseschool.org/prod_v08/Files/Firstday2017_18.pdf
- 学校的e-mail常常被不同的邮件服务器延误,尤其是发往yahoo的邮件,经常需要很多时间才能收到,请您及时到学校网页的首页,看学校的最新通知。学校安全值班的邮件会由 safety@ynhchineseschool.org发出,请您将这个地址加到你的联系地址中,这样减少将重要邮件自动当成垃圾信件的可能。
- 中文学校将不接受现金付款,如果你没有支票,请找人帮助填写支票,中文课本将由各个任课老师分发并收费,课本可以接受现金,但将由各班老师统一写支票给学校,课本的收费请留意任课老师发出的通知。有的任课老师还会收少量的材料费,用于打印、复印额外的材料,也请留意各位任课老师的通知。
- 学校办公室设在A-107(Engleman Hall),安全值日报到以及问讯、指南可以到办公室。新注册、改课、加课、缴费请到设在B-wing中厅(Student lounge对面)的临时办公桌。
[SCCS]09/06/17: Call for volunteers, help tips for the first day
Dear SCCS Members,
The school will start on September 10, 2017 (the coming Sunday). The first class will begin at 1:30. Please come earlier to avoid any unexpected delay, such as, taking time to find classroom. We will only have Chinese language classes (Class code from C00a to C21a) in the first day of school. All enrichment classes will start on September 17, 2017.
- The school is calling for volunteers, especially the student volunteers. If you are interested in contributing to the school by volunteering your time, please fill the following Google form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpOBxJy_Ore2NdEcYSLfAXLoF9QI-WrTzcmNpLUQHvW67Y9g/viewform?c=0&w=1
SIF is a group who can offer additional tutoring in Chinese for non-heritage students. If you can offer help, please join them. The detail can be found at:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5IOA4YTOBm9MmNGVjJ1YXA0MlU/view?ts=59af64d7
If you are the person who needs help in Chinese, please refer to the following document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5IOA4YTOBm9ZkQ4MHlacjdheXM/view?ts=59af6501 - To reduce the hurdle for your first day, especially for these who come to our school the first time, we prepare a pdf file for you:http://www.ynhchineseschool.org/prod_v08/Files/Firstday2017_18.pdf
- Our e-mails sometimes are delayed by different internet and e-mail providers, especially for the accounts in Yahoo. You can always check our newest announcement in the school website homepage.
The safety patrol assignment is sent out from safety@ynhchineseschool.org. Please check your e-mail from this address. It will be best practice that you add our e-mail addresses to your contact list to avoid the possibility which our e-mails are thrown to SPAM folder. You can also check your account and select Safety patrol to view your assignment. Usually we only assign 10-20 families for first two weeks. - Textbooks will be distributed in each classroom. You should receive an e-mail from your teacher before Sunday for the detail. The school does not accept cash anymore. If you want to pay cash for textbook, it is acceptable since each teacher will collect them together and write a check to the school. For any payment directly to the school, please be aware that NO CASH policy is strictly enforced.
Some teachers might need to charge additional material fee. Please refer to the e-mails from your teacher. - The school office will be in Room A-107 (Engleman Hall). It will be the best place for general information and reporting to your patrol duty. We temporarily set up desks in the Hall way of B-wing (opposite to the Cafeteria). You can register, add classes, drop classes, pay bills there.
Welcome to SCCS. Let's work together to build a better place for our children and ourselves.
Junqi Ding
Southern Connecticut Chinese School