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[SCCS]09/09/17: 中文学校明天开学

Time: 2017-09-09 11:55:07 -- Number: 191


学校将于2017年9月10日(明天)开学,新学年的第一天,只有中文语言课上课(Class code from C00a to C21a),所有文化课(非中文语言课)将在9月17日开始,敬请留意。第一节课1:30开始,请提早到校,预留找教室的时间。

  1. 这个星期天需要值班家长都应该收到系统邮件。家长也可以登陆学校网站,进入自己账号,如果你需要值日,会显示在你的my school patrol schedule 里. 请要值日的家长仔细阅读 safety patrol guidelines (在点进my school patrol schedule. 可以看到链接) 

  2. 学校增加一个学前班,有需要的家长可自行注册。还有不少课程仍有余位,欢迎大家试课。尤其是给家长开设的Pi-Yo、瑜伽、Zumba、太极均有足够空间。还要给高中生强烈推荐的是有本科毕业于哈佛、获得Gates Scholar在剑桥取得硕士、现就读于耶鲁法学院的王畅同学开设的在美华人历史专题讨论,也欢迎家长参加,这门课还增加英文写作和演讲的元素,和单纯的写作课不同的地方,就是更注重在对历史或现实进行分析、归纳,并在此基础上书面和口头表达出来。这门课程还会机会参观纽约华人博物馆。我们还将请王畅在十月初开设一次面向家长的讲座,谈怎样申请大学。敬请留意。
  3. 为了方便大家第一天找学校、找教室、加课、减课、缴费等,我们准备了一个说明文件,有一些常用的信息,包括学校地址、停车、缴费等等,请大家下载参考:
  4. 中文学校将不接受现金付款,如果你没有支票,请找人帮助填写支票,支票上请写明Family ID。明天现场付费的家长,请自行打印一份Payment voucher带到学校,如果没有课程增减的话,可以直接将支票交到临时办公的B-wing中厅,无须排队。中文课本将由各个任课老师分发并收费,课本可以接受现金,但将由各班老师统一写支票给学校,课本的收费请留意任课老师发出的通知。有的任课老师还会收少量的材料费,用于打印、复印额外的材料,也请留意各位任课老师的通知。
  5. 学校办公室设在A-107(Engleman Hall),安全值日报到以及问讯、指南可以到办公室。新注册、改课、加课、缴费请到设在B-wing中厅(Student lounge对面)的临时办公桌。



[SCCS]09/09/17: First day of the school year tomorrow

Dear SCCS Members,

The school will start on September 10, 2017 (tomorrow). The first class will begin at 1:30. Please come earlier to avoid any unexpected delay, such as, taking time to find classroom. We will only have Chinese language classes (Class code from C00a to C21a) in the first day of school. All enrichment classes will start on September 17, 2017.

  1. The guideline for Safety Patrol is online. You can find it from the menu: My Safety Patrol Schedule after you login as a parent. You can also view it from the link: 
    We encourage parents to finish the patrol duty a whole afternoon. If you have such preference or other requirements, please contact directly.
  2. We add another Kindergarten class due to the over registration of two kindergarten classes. Please find more information in our website. 

    We still have openings in some exercise courses: such as Pi-Yo, Zumba, Yoga, and Taiji. Come to have fun when your child(ren) are taken care by our teachers. 

    We also want every high school students know that we have a course: Chinese in America, Discussion Panels. The instructor, Julia Wang, is a Harvard graduate, a Gates Scholar, Master from Cambridge and currently a Yale Law School student. She will mix the English writing and public speech in the course. We also plan to have a field trip to MOCA at NYC. 

    If you have a high student at home, do not miss the Seminar on college application by Julia Wang early December.
  3. To reduce the hurdle for your first day, especially for these who come to our school the first time, we prepare a pdf file for you:
  4. Textbooks will be distributed in each classroom. You should receive an e-mail from your teacher before Sunday for the detail. The school does not accept cash anymore. If you want to pay cash for textbook, it is acceptable since each teacher will collect them together and write a check to the school. For any payment directly to the school, please be aware that NO CASH policy is strictly enforced. 

    Some teachers might need to charge additional material fee. Please refer to the e-mails from your teacher.
  5. The school office will be in Room A-107 (Engleman Hall). It will be the best place for general information and reporting to your patrol duty. We temporarily set up desks in the Hall way of B-wing (opposite to the Cafeteria). You can register, add classes, drop classes, pay bills there. If you can bring a Payment voucher, it will help us to locate your information much fast.

Welcome to SCCS. Let's work together to build a better place for our children and ourselves.


Junqi Ding

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

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