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[SCCS]4/29/17: 夏令营网上报名开通 小店本学期最后一次开店

Time: 2017-04-29 21:04:07 -- Number: 196


  1. 本学年还有三次上课时间,前几天发出了收集您对教学的反馈意见调查,请您抓紧时间完成,您的反馈将有助于教师教学水平和学校办学水平的提高。请您5月7日前匿名完成如下评估表。如果选了多门课程,请分别填写每一门课的反馈意见。谢谢合作!下面是评估表格网址:
  2. 爸爸朋友清主意了, 明天学校小店开门, 这是本学期最后一次。小店特意为即将到来的母亲节准备了target 和 Barnes & Nobles 的小额$5 gift cards,还有精美书签剪纸, 请您第一提醒孩子带points,第2鼓励孩子们用points 給妈妈带一个小礼物回家!!! 谢谢爸爸们!
  3. 学校将在秋季开学后举办认字比赛,这项比赛去年在春季举行,今年学校在讨论了去年比赛的优缺点以后决定,将这项活动移到秋季举行,鼓励孩子利用暑假复习本年级及以前需要掌握的生词(最后如有平局时,将挑低一年级的字词,而不会采用高一年级的字词),鼓励所有孩子参加,凡参加的都有小奖品。如果你需要在暑假中用学校的奖励点数鼓励孩子复习中文,可以到学校办公室购买奖劵,奖劵$15/100points,部分费用用于小店的物品购买,还有部分费用用于奖劵的印刷等费用。
  4. 今年是南康中文学校夏令营开办以来的第10个夏令营,今年的夏令营将在August 7-11, and August 14-18举办,地点可能在New Haven or Woodbridge,今年采用网上报名的方式,请登录下面的网址完成报名,具体的收费标准以及安排请仔细阅读下面survey的介绍部分。学校夏令营欢迎14岁以上的学生参与义工。义工网上报名会在以后通知。
  5. 学校PTA一年一度的野餐聚会将于5月21日在Orange Center举行,请参考PTA彭莹主席前几天的邮件,登录学校网站登记。
  6. 学校的同学来自40个市镇,平时所有的通讯基本上依赖于电子邮件和微信,如果你的电邮地址有变化,请及时登录学校网站更新,同时通知
  7. 学校5月7日和14日将举办学生才艺表演,目前报名已经截止,你会收到组委会的通知,任何问题请发邮件至sccs2017gala@gmail.com查询。
  8. 学校和旅美科协康州分会将在5月7日联合举办职业拓展专题,将有多位嘉宾演讲,请留意通知。
  9. 5月14日学校将举办10年级毕业典礼,本届是南康中文学校历史上最多毕业生的一届,学校欢迎高年级的同学及所有家长参加,我们请到了纽约华人博物馆的馆长Nancy Yao作为演讲嘉宾,Nancy过去做过CNN的制作人,参加过香港回归的报道,也曾担任雅理协会的执行总监,她的演讲一定不会让你失望。
  10. 学校准备出版一份学生作品校刊专辑,除了老师推荐的学生作品之外,家长也可以替孩子向校刊投稿,要求:文字部分为可编辑文本文件,图形不低于300DPI。请发送给
  11. 学校办公室处理部分库存中文书,包括《轻松学中文》(每册$5, Amazon上每册近$30,,《中文》初中版($2),《新启蒙汉语》第4级(每本$5,整套$10,原价$44)。存货有限,欲购从速。



[SCCS]4/29/17:Summer camp online registration open and school store will be open tomorrow

Dear All SCCS members,

  1. We will only have 3 sundays before the school year ends. Please finish the teacher's evaluation form online before May 7. Your feedback is important to us. The form can be found in the following link:
  2. The store will open tomorrow. This is the last session for this school year. We also prepare some gift cards for child to prepare the Mother's day gift. Please encourage your child to attend.
  3. The school wide spelling bee will be held after the new school year. This is the adjustment after reviewing the spelling bee last year. We encourage all students to review what they learned in summer break. Every participant will be awarded a small gift.
  4. Summer Camp will be from August 7 to 11 and from August 14 to 17. The online registration is open now. The detailed information is in the description section of the online registration form. The following is the online registration link:
  5. The annual picnic organized by PTA will be held on May 21 in Orange Center, Orange, CT. Please login to school website to register.
  6. Any change of your contact information, please login to school website to update. Please also send an e-mail to for your change so they can update the school mail list.
  7. The talent show will be on May 7 and 14. If you registered online and have any question, please contact
  8. SCCS and CAST-CT will organize a special meeting focusing on profession development on May 7. The more details will be followed in next announcement.
  9. On May 14, we will have graduation ceremony. This year, we have the largest class for 10th grade. Nancy Yao will be our guest speaker in the ceremony. Nancy is the president of Museum of Chinese American in NYC and used to be the executive director of Yale China Association. All students in upper levels and all parents are encouraged to attend our graduation ceremony.
  10. The school plans to publish a special edition on students' work. You are welcome to submit your child's work to Editable text and high resolution images are required.
  11. The school office have several books to sell. "Easy Steps to Chinese" ($5/book, comparing near $30 in Amazon Please stop by the office to purchase. We only have limited quantity.
See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD

Southern Connecticut Chinese School

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