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[SCCS]9/22/2017: The store will open this Sunday and other activities

Time: 2017-09-21 12:30:12 -- Number: 202






K1,K2: 1:50-2:05

first grade non-heritage: 1:40-1:50

Class 1.1, 1.4: 2:40-2:50

Class 1.2 and 1.3: 2:50-3:00,





今年还剩3个多月了,大家如需要做税务规划,请考虑给中文学校捐款,学校是IRS注册的503(c)3的非营利组织,你的捐赠可以免税,有的公司还会match你的捐赠。另外,如果你常用Amazon购物,请选用Amazon Smile,并选定中文学校为你的指定捐赠对象,你购物的价格并不会增加,但你的每次购物,Amazon都会给中文学校捐赠1%。你可以从下面的地址进入Amazon,也可以从学校网站首页右边的链接进入:





喜欢中国文化尤其是诗歌的朋友请注意了,10月21日(星期六)晚7:30将在耶鲁大学Woolsey Hall有免费的《聆响·行歌》演出,在中国新诗诞生百年之际,《聆响·行歌》将带给你“世纪回眸——中国新诗百年音乐朗诵会”,除了《聆响·行歌》品牌发起人徐涛、常务理事方明、薛飞,李立宏外,还有国家一级演员于同云、杜宁林、张琳、龚华的加盟演出。下面是几位主要演员简介,详情请参考近期微信群的更新。

播音界的一代原老方明先生曾先后承担了陈毅、周恩来、毛泽东等领导人治丧期间的主要播音任务,多次参加了天安门国庆游行和阅兵实况转播工作。《聆响·行歌》音乐朗诵会的发起人徐涛毕业于中央戏剧 学院导演系,从1984年开始从事语言及配音工作。 1998年正式走上朗诵舞台。 徐涛富有磁性的男中音,华美、浑厚、富有通透力和男性魅力 ,他为《见字如面》呈现了最好的朗读者和声音。《聆响·行歌》音乐朗诵会主要成员薛飞是也是观众熟悉和热爱的语言表演艺术家。他毕业于北京广播学院新闻系播音专业,曾是家喻户晓的中央电视台《新闻联播》的播音员,给那一代的中国人心里留下了深刻的记忆。《舌尖上的中国》风靡大街小巷的时候,为影片担任解说的著名配音李立宏的声音也深入了每个观众的心,这次他也参加在耶鲁的演出;活跃在影视舞台的杜宁林,曾凭借《葫芦女人和井》狗剩儿媳妇这一角色获得第11届“飞天奖”最佳女配角的提名 ,她还参与多部影视作品的演出;国家一级演员张琳, 曾在六十多部影视剧中饰演重要角色,从事话剧工作超过三十年,曾是中国话剧最高奖“金狮奖”的获得者,并为国内著名动漫《喜羊羊灰太狼》、《樱桃小丸子》配音,相信小朋友们会喜欢。这次朗诵音乐的主持人龚华曾摘得第十九届环球夫人大赛的中国冠军的桂冠,头戴全球夫人亚军、环球夫人大赛形象大使的光环的她也拥有一副美丽的声音。



Dear All SCCS members,

Course shopping time ends tomorrow evening

This Saturday evening, we will disable the function which allows general member to change registration. Please make the necessary modification before that. From this Sunday, you can only ask the administration team members to add courses for you. To drop a course will not be allowed. 

The store will open this Sunday

Thanks to PTA and all volunteers, the school store will open this Sunday from 1:30 to 4:45. Students can exchange goods with earned points. To prevent the younger students from any safety issue during shopping, the school arranges special periods for students from K and first grade. The following are assigned periods:

K1,K2: 1:50-2:05

first grade non-heritage: 1:40-1:50

Class 1.1, 1.4: 2:40-2:50

Class 1.2 and 1.3: 2:50-3:00,

Please help your teachers to chaperon the students. It is also good time to teach students how to use Chinese to shop.

The school still has some T-shirts. The sample will be displayed in the store. Please stop by to make orders. The price is $20/piece.


Support our school

We keep our tuition fee very low to avoid any additional financial burden for our general members. Any support will be helpful. When you plan your tax and donation, please keep our school in your mind. SCCS is an IRS registered 501(c)3 organization. Your donation will be tax deductible. Some companies also match your donation. Please let us know if you need more information on how to support our school.

You can also support us by shopping in Amazon Smile. The school website has the link in the first page (right side under the photos). Or you can go to It will not cost you additional penny to shop but Amazon can donate 1% of your shopping to our school.

Several events in the coming weeks

PTA will celebrate Moon festival on October 1. You will have chance to try the delicious moon cake and watch the performance by the winners in the talent competition. Stay tuned for further communication next week.

There will be no school on October 15 due to the open house day for SCSU. Please mark your calendar.

In the evening of October 21, there will be poem recital in Woolsey Hall. There will be several famous actors and commentators from China to perform. It is an event to celebrate the centennial of the new poem styles in China. To shorten this communication, I am not going to provide the very detailed information here. If you are interested in knowing more about the event, drop me an e-mail and I can send you more information.

Some of actors and commentators will come to SCCS on October 22. More detailed information will be followed.


Junqi Ding, PhD


Southern Connecticut Chinese School

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