IMPORTANT CLARIFICATIONS from SCCS - 2014 南康中文学校理事会郑重声明
Time: 2014-12-03 10:00:00 -- Number: 208
Dear SCCS Community,
Recently, a lot of current SCCS members have kept on receiving unsolicited marketing emails, which have caused many inquiries and confusions. In the effort to clarify those confusions, we, on behalf of our school, would like to make the following important clarifications based on the consensus reached by the school leadership team:
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School has not changed its name recently.
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School has not changed school time (Sunday 1:20-5:00 PM).
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School has not changed its location. It is still in the Engleman Hall at SCSU.
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School has never established any affiliated campus. Neither has it dispatched any branch offices somewhere else.
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School does not belong to any individual, or a group of individuals, or any other organizations.
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School is an officially 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization.
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School serves our local community with a special emphasis on Chinese language and culture education.
- Southern Connecticut Chinese School is member-owned. Parents automatically become the school members and owners after registering their children into the school and paying the membership fee (see registration website at:
- In Southern Connecticut Chinese School, every member has the rights to participate in the school activities, including:
- Voting for the Board Directors
- Being voted as Board directors
- Attending the Board meetings
- Auditing school finance
- Organizing various school activities
- Supervising school management etc.
If you have further inquiries, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact the Board of Directors or the school administrative team.
Thank you for your continuous support!
Best regards,
The Board of Directors
Southern Connecticut Chinese School
- 南康中文学校未改校名。
- 南康中文学校未改上课时间(依然是星期日下午1:20–5:00pm)。
- 南康中文学校上课地点依然在南康州立大学的Engleman 教学楼。
- 南康中文学校没有分校或分支机构。
- 南康中文学校不隶属于任何个人或几个人或其他任何组织。
- 南康中文学校是501(C)(3) 正式注册的非盈利教育机构。
- 南康中文学校在中文和文化教育方面面向社区服务。
- 南康中文学校是会员制,家长注册孩子(注册网址在入学并缴纳会员费后自动成为本校会员和拥有者。
- 南康中文学校的每一位会员都享有权利参加学校的任何活动,包括:
- 选举理事
- 被选为理事
- 参加理事会议
- 学校财务审计
- 组织各种活动
- 监督学校管理等.