Time: 2017-02-11 12:00:00 -- Number: 215
感谢所有参加2月5日春节联欢会的老师、学生、家长、义工以及支持中文学校的商家,联欢会非常成功。这次联欢会的照片可以从下面的链接看到,演出的录像也将整理以后供大家下载,请留意学校通知。 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9AXqfOwXya_N0ZrLUhTLWtvTE0?usp=sharing
- 如果由于天气原因不能上课,学校会在星期天10时左右在微信、网站以及e-mail通知。
- 明天中文学校小店开放,欢迎同学前往选购。有的家长希望能够在家里也用中文学校的奖券鼓励孩子完成中文作业,可以到学校办公室购买,一次限购100点。
- 数学SAT班的分班情况已经通知各位家长,请注意明天开始按分班后的教室上课。
[SCCS]02/11/2017: School store open and others
Dear all SCCS members,
Thanks to those who made the Chinese New Year Gala a big success. Your effort is highly appreciated. Some photos taken from the gala can be downloaded from the link below. Video will be provided for downloading after editing.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9AXqfOwXya_N0ZrLUhTLWtvTE0?usp=sharing
- In case of inclement weather, school will post the updates around 10 am Sunday morning via WeChat group, website and e-mail.
- The school store will be open tomorrow. Students are encouraged to shop at the store. If you have special needs, please let our store volunteers know. For those families who want to use school award point to encourage your child to learn at home, you can purchase some points from school office. There is limit of 100 points you can purchase.
- Math SAT was split into 2 classes and these parents should get notices from school and teachers. It will start with the new classrooms from tomorrow.
Thanks a lot and see you tomorrow.
Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School