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[SCCS]9/29/17: 中秋庆祝活动、申请大学讲座、儿童合唱 Celebrate the Moon Festival, Seminar on College Application and survey for Children's Choir

Time: 2017-09-30 00:07:59 -- Number: 217




月饼品尝(第一轮): 2:00-2:30

才艺比赛优胜者表演: 2:30-3:00

月饼品尝(第二轮): 3:15-3:45




你想了解申请大学要注意什么吗?过来人将为你详解。毕业于哈佛大学、剑桥大学、目前就读于耶鲁法学院的Julia Wang,以及毕业于Pomona College、现就读耶鲁法学院的Kathy Lu将一起和你分享她们申请大学的体会,并就大家关心的问题一起探讨。

时间:3:30-4:30, Sunday, 10/1/2017

地点:A120 (A-wing和B-wing中间的阶梯教室)



南康中文学校计划开设儿童声乐课程,由毕业于四川音乐学院、中央音乐学院的曾珊珊老师任教,曾珊珊毕业于四川音乐学院声乐系,中国音乐学院声歌系,Harper college 音乐系。赴美前任内蒙古消防总队文工团独唱演员。多次在全国及各省市比赛中获奖,曾获第九届“步步高杯”全国青年歌手电视大奖赛民族组“银屏奖”;三次获内蒙古自治区歌手大赛及情歌大赛民族组一等奖;一次获四川省歌手大赛民族组第二名;参加中央电视台公安部“春节联欢晚会”,中央电视台“心连心”艺术团,大连电视台国际服装节及北京电视台元旦晚会等上百场大型歌舞晚会的演出。拍摄音乐电视《鄂伦春哟,森林的魂》。演唱之余一直从事声乐教学工作,教授学生正确的歌唱技巧,科学的发声方法及音乐理论知识。在十余年的教学工作中爱学生,尊重学生,细致认真,耐心严谨,教学经验丰富,注重因材施教。所教学生多次荣获中国“十佳”歌手称号,肯塔基州声乐比赛第二名,“水立方杯”海外华人中文歌曲大赛芝加哥赛区“儿童组"冠军,“青年组”第六名及“成人组”第六名。曾任历届肯塔基大学歌手大赛评委,“水立方杯”海外华人中文歌曲大赛芝加哥赛区评委。担任芝加哥“华星儿童合唱团”指导老师,并在“希林西北中文学校”教授儿童及成人声乐课,根据儿童和成人的个性和特点来制定教学课程。课程借鉴传统的教学方法,遵循个人特质的学习模式,以听唱动看模的形式进行,通过独特的声乐训练,教授学生初步掌握演唱的能力,快速的掌握声乐呼吸,演唱技巧,并在演唱歌曲中实际应用。在教学过程中,强调表演实践,带领的“华星儿童合唱团”参加了“纪念孙中山诞辰100周年大型文艺晚会”“北京丝竹乐团春节晚会”“fashion outlet of Chicago New Year's celebration","Global Arts Festival in Bartlett","希林灯节”等大型文艺晚会,小朋友们精彩的演唱受到了芝加哥社区的高度赞扬。




2017年南康中文学校 三年级到七年级中文识字竞赛



竞赛内容: 各年级所学过的汉字(如四年级学生学过的汉字包括现在学的和以前一二三年级学的)
(各年级所学汉字的字库已由热心家长夏泽华输入 Quizlet,网址如下:




学校课程试课报名已经截止,如果你没有报名,未经学校办公室同意或当班room parent,将不准在教室停留。除了任课老师点名以外,学校也将不定期抽查点名,如果发现未报名或没有学校允许而在教室的学生,学校除收取该门课程的学费以外,还将处以罚金,请自觉遵守学校规章注册并缴纳学费,尊重老师的劳动。谢谢。



Dear SCCS members,


1. Celebration of Moon Festival:

The Moon Festival is coming and PTA will celebrate the festival this Sunday. Here are the arrangement:

Venue: Cafeteria, Middle of B-Wing

2:00-2:30: Taste of Mooncake (first run)

2:30-3:00: Performance by the winners of the talent show in the Spring Semester

3:15-3:45: Taste of Mooncake (second run)

Thanks to all volunteers and PTA. They started to plan the celebration from the summer. Hope you will enjoy it.


2. Seminar on College Application:

Navigating college applications can be challenging, especially for second-generation Chinese Americans whose parents did not attend college in the U.S. What are colleges looking for? How do you help your child prepare themselves for the American college application process? What kind of skills do they need to develop to prepare for their future? Yale Law School students Kathy Lu and Julia Wang are here to share their insights as Chinese American students who successfully navigated the process. The panel will focus on finding the right personal statement topic, presenting a unique voice, and putting the best foot forward. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions about the college application process and preparing your children to be confident and successful leaders and critical thinkers.

Time: 3:30-4:30

Venue: A120 (the lecture hall between A and B wings)


3. Survey for the Children's Choir and Vocal training:

SCCS plans to open a class for the Children's choir and Vocal Training. Students can learn Chinese songs by a professional teacher: Ms. Shanshan Zeng. Ms. Zang graduated from Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and Harper College. She was a professional singer in China and won a lot of prestige awards. She was teaching in a Chinese School in Chicago before moving to New Haven area. Her resume can be found in the Chinese version above. If you want to know her more, please contact me directly.

We want to start the course from October 21 and continue to the end of the school year if we have more than 8 students. The tuition fee will be $50 for this semester and $100 for next semester. If you are interested in registering your child(ren), please finish the survey by October 6. We will contact you if we have enough students to open the course.


4. The Chinese vocabulary competition (grade 3-7):

SCCS will organize 2017 Chinese vocabulary competition for heritage classes from grade 3 to 7. The detailed rules will be followed in my e-mail next week. If you want to get more information about the competition, please refer the Chinese version above.


5. Attendance:

The shopping period for courses was end. Anyone without registration or permission from office (except the on-duty room parents) will not be allowed to sit in the classroom. The teacher for each course will have attendance sheet. And the school office will occasionally check the attendance for some courses. If someone is not registered or does not have permission but sits in the classroom, he/she will be asked to pay the tuition fee plus the penalty. Thanks for your corporation.


See you Sunday.

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