Announcement Sept 3, 2016-Add New Class
Time: 2016-09-03 11:00:00 -- Number: 237
Youth Public Speaking 1 ("Grade 4-6", "Class Code": ELPS1), 由于老师时间安排上的问题,我们将这门课 (从原先的时间段1:30-2:15pm)移到12:35开始, 如果你已经注册了这门课,应该收到我们的通知。如果你还没有注册,请抓紧时间网上注册。
另外,很高兴地向大家报告,我们为年龄6-10岁的孩子开设了一门电脑编程入门 (3:30-4:15pm),下面是课程简介,如果你需要更多地了解 Scratch,请参考网站
课程代码 ELCS2:Scratch编程寓教于乐,学生在动手制作他们喜欢的动画时,学习了编程思想,锻炼了分析问题、解决问题的能力。学生自带电脑或IPad,网络环境下可使用Scratch在线编辑功能,无网络时可以使用预装的离线版本。
We open a course for young students (6-10 years old): Introduction to Creative programming.
The following is the brief introduction.
Class Code ELCS2: This is a basic entry level programming course. It will help the students to build a basic conception of programming when they later move onto real-world programming.A simple programming language, Scratch, will be introduced to the class. Students can create a big range of projects, from computer-generated art and animated cartoons to quizzes and puzzles. No previous programming experience is required. Students can create animated graphics and sound in a few minutes. They can see pretty good results almost instantly. Furthermore, the students can participate in the online community for Scratch. They can remix projects, ideas, images, or anything else they find on Scratch, and everyone can use anything that others shared.
For more information about Scratch, please visit the website:
Requirements: Age 6-10, need to bring ipad, PC, or Mac
In addition, Youth Public Speaking 1 ("Grade 4-6", "Class Code": ELPS1), will change from original schedule 1:30-2:15pm to 12:35-1:20pm due to the issue of teacher availability. If you already choose the class, you should receive our e-mail. If you want to register, please do so sooner.
Best wishes,
Junqi Ding
Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School