Announcement on Sept 10, 2016:南康中文2016年秋新开文化课
Time: 2016-09-10 10:00:00 -- Number: 239
为满足大家的需求,我校新开两门文化课,供大家选择:/two more enrichment courses
【EATP1】Chinese Talent Performance (中文才艺表演课) (2:25-3:10)
【EHZU1】Zumba for Adults (1:30-2:15)
【EATP1】Chinese Talent Performance (中文才艺表演课) (2:25-3:10)
为了更好地辅助高年级的学生们学习中文,南康中文学校将在本学期试行增加《中文才艺表演课》。本课由我校现任美术老师、原中国中央电视台文艺中心编导张小安 和富有在美文艺活动经验的刘蓉老师共同执教,主要课程有中文标准朗读、诗歌朗诵、演讲、歌曲演唱、中文短剧表演、形体训练及礼仪主持等。 本课授课采用分组教学,单独辅导和集体排练相结合的方式进行。学生们通过因材施教的专业训练后可以提高公共场合表现能力,运用所学的中文,深入了解中国文化,并有机会参加中文学校的中国节日文艺演出、本地公立学校中文教育口语示范演出、本地公益演出等文艺活动,在展现中华文化丰富多彩的内容的同时逐步扩大、增强大纽海文地区华人的社会影响力。
为了保证教学质量,发现学生特长,便于任教老师了解学生的兴趣和中文能力,张小安老师和刘蓉老师将于 9 月 11 日下午 2 点 20 分在 A117 和已报名的及感兴趣的学生及其家长面谈。学生可以准备一个小表演,例如讲个小故事或个人才艺表演(限时 2 分钟左右)。届时欢迎学生和家长到场。
In order to help high school students to learn Chinese better, we will offer the “Chinese Talent Performance" course at SCCS this year. This course will be co-taught by our current art teacher, former director of CCTV Arts Center, ZHANG Xiao’an and our new art teacher, an active performer in shows and public events in US, LIU Rong (Ivy). The curriculum of this course includes reciting in Mandarin Chinese, poetry readings, public speaking in Chinese, singing, Chinese drama performances, figure training, and emceeing. The course features teaching with each student’s aptitude. The students will get experience and improvement in different aspects, and have opportunities to perform in SCCS Chinese New Year Gala, to demonstrate spoken Chinese in local public schools, and to join public performances and other cultural events. The social impact in Greater New Haven area by showing the variety of Chinese culture is forseenable.
In order to ensure the quality of teaching and identify the students’ talent, the teachers will meet the registered and interested students on September 11th, at 2:20 pm, in room A117. The students can prepare a short performance, such as telling a story or showing a talent (limit 2 minutes).
【EHZU1】Zumba for Adults (1:30-2:15)
Zumba(尊巴)是一种健康时尚的健身课程,它将音乐与动感易学的动作还有间歇有氧运动融合在了一起。Zumba是能让人摆脱烦恼与枯燥的快乐运动。任何人只需要跟着节拍就能自然地做动作, 舞步简单、有趣、易学。 尊巴是由舞蹈演变而来的一种健身方式,难度并不是很大,也不需要任何拉丁舞蹈基础,对舞步的完成质量没有特别要求。Zumba较大强度的运动对减肥、塑身有较好效果。
Zumba is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness which moves millions of people towards joy and health. Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. Because the Zumba program is low-impact, it is sage for all ages.
For Zumba performance by our members in Chinese Gala, you can watch the following Youtube video
Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School