[SCCS]11/10/2017: Survey for the Course of Chinese in America, Discussion panel in Spring 2018
Time: 2017-11-10 22:08:51 -- Number: 267
冬天来临,天气因素可能会影响学校上课,如果因为下雪等恶劣天气需要取消上课,学校最迟在星期天早上10点,通过e-mail, WeChat, School website和各个任课老师通知大家。
由耶鲁大学法学院的王畅同学以及Kathy Lu在我校开设的美籍华人历史课程,集讨论、写作、参观于一体,目的是让同学在了解华人前辈在美的历史的同时,还让同学学习收集资料、分析问题并表达出来(写、说)的方法,这个学期,她们还组织参观了纽约华人博物馆。尤其两位耶鲁同学不收任何报酬,让我们很受感动,学校收到的学费基本上都用回这个班级的活动。现在学校希望了解还有没有希望春季上这门课的同学(七年级以上),如果超过4位同学感兴趣,学校在春季学期将继续开设这门课,这次将有两位耶鲁的同学在王畅同学的指导下开课,以保证这个课程能够在王畅同学毕业后还有老师继续教。请感兴趣的同学和家长用下面的表格填写意向。
Dear SCCS members,
We will have regular schedule the coming Sunday.
Procedure for inclement weather
The winter is coming. In the case of inclement weather and closing of SCSU campus, we will make the final decision before 10am Sunday. After the decision is made, we will announce it through school e-mail group, WeChat Group, school website and every teacher.
Survey for the course: Chinese in America, Discussion Panel
We are fortunate to have Miss Julia Wang, Miss Kathy Lu from Yale Law School to voluntarily teach the course "Chinese in America, Discussion Panel". The course is a combination of lecture, discussion, writing and speaking. They also took a Sunday to visit Museum of Chinese Americans in NYC. The students learn the analytical skill, writing skill and public speaking skill. Now we want to know whether there are students interested in taking the class in Spring semester. if we have more than 4 students (7th grade and up), we will continue to have the course. In Spring, two new Yale students will teach the course under the supervision of Julia and Kathy so the course is sustainable after Julia and Kathy graduate. Please fill the online survey if you or your child want to take the course in Spring semester:
See you Sunday. Keep warm.