Summer Session Deadline Extended
Time: 2008-05-16 14:36:16 -- Number: 55
Based on requests and suggestions from parents, we have made the following changes to the summer program: 1. Postpone the registration deadline to May 18, 08 (this Sunday); no late fee will be applied if payment is made before or on May 18, 08. 2. Reduce the late fee to $ 40.00 per family, so we will not close doors for parents who need to make later decision (if there are openings still available). 3. 5% family discount will be given for second, third, 4th, 5th child in the same family. Refund will be given to payments already made. Please let us know your other thoughts, requests (such as one week, and day options), and suggestions. With your help, we can make the program better and more suitable for our parents! Please contact us at or stop by at Room A105, during Chinese school time.