Southern Connecticut Chinese School, SCCS, Chinese Language School, New Haven Chinese School

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2016.12.10:春季报名、春晚,小店开发等 -- 2016.12.10: Spring Registration, Chinese New Year Gala and School Store Opens

Time: 2016-12-10 11:23:00 -- Number: 254




  1. 春季学期需要报名的家庭,可以直接写信给,并请告知学生姓名,选课内容或改课情况以及FamilyID。请登录你的账户查询学费及其他费用,学校要求你结清本学年的所有费用,并把付款支票寄到学校信箱,最后缴费时间为开学第一天(Jan 22, 2017),超过这个时间如仍有未结清帐目,将收取$20 late fee.同时请大家注意由finance@ynhchineseschool.org发出的信。如果发现你的帐目有误差,请及时和学校联系。
  2. 学校将于2月5日举办春节晚会,如果您的孩子希望做这次中国新年庆祝活动的主持人,请先到学校春晚报名网页上报名:,并请在12月16晚上11点以前提供Audition video。video 形式内容没有限制,时间不能超过2分钟。 video可以存放在youtube,dropbox或者Google Drive上,请把链接和 contact information 寄给 没有提交Audition video 的同学不能参加主持人的选拔。另外我们会优先考虑过去2年没有参加过主持的同学。 
    PTA会在12月18根据Audition video结果筛选和安排面试.
  3. 学校小店明天2点开始开放,欢迎小朋友选购。需要gift card的小朋友也可以直接到学校办公室换取。
  4. 预告:12/18 Lyman Center将有活动,附近的停车场将不开放,Fitch Street Garage将向中文学校家长开放,到时请预留时间。




Hi All SCCS members,

We still have two Sundays for this Semester.

  1. For those families who want to register or switch class for Spring Semester, please send an e-mail to which should include child name, family ID and the class want to register. If you still have due, please login to your account to check your family balance. Please pay the dues before Jan 22, 2017 (the first day of school) to avoid a $20 late fee. If you believe there is error in your account, please contact us ASAP.
  2. We will have our annual Chinese New Year Gala on Feb 5, 2017. If your child would like to be one of the 2017 SCCS Chinese New Year Gala hosts, you need to register him/her in our online form: 2017SCCS春节晚会报名表. And please prepare an audition video before 11:00 pm by 12/16/16. There are no specific requirements for the video, but the video cannot exceed 2 minutes. You can upload the video to Youtube, Dropbox, or Google Drive. Please email the link or file and your contact information to No consideration will be given to the applicant without an audition video. Priority will be given to applicants who have not been a host in the past two years. After the audition videos have been viewed and carefully selected, a final audition on 12/18/16 will take place.
  3. The school store will be open tomorrow from 2pm.
  4. There will be event in Lyman Center on Dec 18. Parking Lots near Lyman center will be closed. Please be prepared.

See you tomorrow.


Junqi Ding, PhD
Southern Connecticut Chinese School

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